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Can't cut and paste from PDF

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Can't cut and paste from PDF

Postby rodney » May 29th, 2008 5:37 pm

Whenever I try to cut and paste from a PDF it's illegible. See below...

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Postby mariposa » May 30th, 2008 7:38 am

Maybe it's a feature to avoid illegal copying?

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Postby rodney » June 9th, 2008 11:48 am

No answer yet?

Granted it's not a huge problem or even a high priority, but it would nice to know if someone's at least looked at this.

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Cut and Paste with PDF

Postby Joseph » June 10th, 2008 4:02 am


Thanks for your patience. I'll will personally talk with Tech Support to check the status of this issue. In the mean time, can I ask why you would like to be able to cut and paste from the PDF? I mean, what are you using it for? Maybe we could somehow incorporate your ideas and study methods into deliverables...?

Will be in touch. Thanks,

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Postby rodney » June 10th, 2008 12:11 pm

Hi Joseph,

I take so many notes from so many different places I find that I can't remember where things are when I want to reference them again. As a result, I've created a spreadsheet that I use to put my notes in so that I can organize them and have them all in one place for easy reference later. With that said, I would like to be able to add to the items of interest from your PDFs to my spreadsheet without having to retype them.

I don't think there's anything you can do that would help me in that regard (other than fixing the cut & paste :D ), but one thing I've noticed is when I listen to a podcast here's usually some Spanish I hear that comes up during the conversation that doesn't make it into the PDF, so I have to take notes. In fact, there are times when I can't even understand what was said, and with no transcript, I'm left in the dark, so to speak. Maybe you guys could add a section to the PDF or the comments for additional Spanish phrases, idioms, etc. heard in the dialog that were not necessarily a part of the lesson.

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Postby atomsk » September 10th, 2008 11:31 pm

Hi rodney,

this is not a copy protection. That copy/paste from our PDFs does not work has to do with the way we make our PDFs, and is not intended. You can copy the transcripts from the learningcenter and feeds though.


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Postby Scar006 » February 21st, 2009 11:27 pm

I actually have the same problem.

I would love to use the copy past feature to study the word in my seperate program.

I know that the learning center has the possiblity to store my words so I can learn them, but the program I use is alot more sophisticated.

For example can I learn with sentences, and the word which is missing is the one which you should learn, which puts the word directly in context.

Also it uses the Leitner system to distinguish by itself which words you know and which you don't.

In addition it outomatically pronounces the words when you answer the question so you have the pronounciation, and you don't need to klick on a button for it.

As a whole the programm is just alot more convenient for me. And to be able to cut and paste from the PDF's would really be helpfull. Especially as I am now thinkging about learning japanese, but there is the same problem with the cut&paste, which is a much bigger issue there.

I really hope you guys could change the way PDF's are done to allow for the copy&paste feature to work as it would improve my learning experience greatly.

Thank you for your time


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