Hi Joseph,
I take so many notes from so many different places I find that I can't remember where things are when I want to reference them again. As a result, I've created a spreadsheet that I use to put my notes in so that I can organize them and have them all in one place for easy reference later. With that said, I would like to be able to add to the items of interest from your PDFs to my spreadsheet without having to retype them.
I don't think there's anything you can do that would help me in that regard (other than fixing the cut & paste

), but one thing I've noticed is when I listen to a podcast here's usually some Spanish I hear that comes up during the conversation that doesn't make it into the PDF, so I have to take notes. In fact, there are times when I can't even understand what was said, and with no transcript, I'm left in the dark, so to speak. Maybe you guys could add a section to the PDF or the comments for additional Spanish phrases, idioms, etc. heard in the dialog that were not necessarily a part of the lesson.