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XML Feed problems

New in Town
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Joined: May 27th, 2009 6:40 pm

XML Feed problems

Postby ptitvert » November 19th, 2009 8:35 am


I have done a small program to download the lessons, and I have found that the files referenced in the RSS XML feed are wrong or missing. Here is the list I have found so far:

Title: Lower Intermediate Lesson #19 - Travel: Argentina, here we come! II - Review
Status: 404 ... review.mp3

Title: Lower Intermediate Lesson S1 #25 - Spanish Adverbs: I Really Enjoy Reading Novels! - Review
Status: 404 ... review.mp3

Title: Newbie Lesson #27 - Romance #2 - I can't love you... - Tarea
Status: 404 ... _tarea.mp3

Title: Newbie Lesson S2 #10 - Does that mean I'm Superman? - Dialogue - Bilingual
Status: 404 ... lation.mp3

Title: Phonetics Lesson #2 - The Sounds from A to M - Sounds from A to M
Status: 404 ... a_to_m.mp3

Title: Phonetics Lesson #2 - The Sounds from A to M - Review
Status: 404 ... review.mp3

Title: Regional Spanish Series #22 - Costa Rican #3 - Man, that's cool! - Audio
Status: 404 ... pod101.mp3

Title: Regional Spanish Series #22 - Costa Rican #3 - Man, that's cool! - Review
Status: 404 ... review.mp3

Title: Regional Spanish Series #22 - Costa Rican #3 - Man, that's cool! - Lesson Guide
Status: 404 ... pod101.pdf

Title: Regional Spanish Series #22 - Costa Rican #3 - Man, that's cool! - Dialogue - Standard
Status: 404 ... _convo.mp3

Title: Regional Spanish Series #22 - Costa Rican #3 - Man, that's cool! - Dialogue - Costa Rican
Status: 404 ... _rican.mp3

Would it be possible to verify and check why those links are not found, and maybe if there are some typos, to correct them?

Thank you in advance,
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