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Include the entire conversation in transcript

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Include the entire conversation in transcript

Postby rodney » March 4th, 2008 1:21 pm

Hola a todos!

I love the format of the transcripts, You guys have done a great job with that. :D

However, the transcripts really should include the entire conversation. There is a lot of excellent insight regarding grammer, culture, idioms, and more that simply insn't captured in the PDF. Not to mention sometimes you may not be able to understand what was said, and then you forced to listen over and over again hoping you'll figure it out.

It may be a bit of a hassle to capture the conversation, but I think it's a worthwhile endeavor and would add a lot more value to the PDF's.

Pues, eso es mi granito de arena. Que tengan buen dia!

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Re: Include the entire conversation in transcript

Postby gmardelli6597 » January 4th, 2013 12:33 am

Estoy de acuerdo absolutamente. It would be sooooo much better if you guys created the transcripts for the entire conversation, that would be extremely useful in learning how to speak fluently. Esto es mi deseo.

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Re: Include the entire conversation in transcript

Postby nprestongeo3273 » April 22nd, 2014 1:55 am

Add my vote! I've wished for that many times myself!

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Re: Include the entire conversation in transcript

Postby ofeliadgrd » April 22nd, 2014 7:03 am

Hi listeners,

Thank you for your feedback!
We are glad you appreciate the transcript :)
Please, could you let us know which series you are referring to? We would be glad to fix that.
Thank you,


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Re: Include the entire conversation in transcript

Postby nprestongeo3273 » April 28th, 2014 12:12 am

I've been working with the Verb Conjugation series. There are several lessons there where Bea makes extensive comments that are only summarized by Joseph. I would like to know the word-for-word translation of her comments. If not put in the pdf, they could be put in the comments for the lesson. (It would also help if such comments could be spoken less rapidly.)

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Re: Include the entire conversation in transcript

Postby ofeliadgrd » May 1st, 2014 4:33 am

Hi nprestongeo3273,

We haven't still planned to add the transcription for that series.
The transcript is available (under "Download PDFs") for the Absolute Beginner Series. ... the-store/
Please have a look to it :D

Thank you,

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Re: Include the entire conversation in transcript

Postby doodoofan3299 » September 1st, 2014 6:41 pm

I think some of the lessons in beginner level are a little bit difficult. I've tried Japanesepod, Chinesepod, Koreanpod and I think Spanishpod's beginner level is not at the same "easy" level as other sites. I understand Spanish is a difficult language, but even Japanesepod's beginner lessons are very easy to understand, while the Spanish beginner lessons are not, as least that's what I think. I think you should level it down a little bit. :D

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Re: Include the entire conversation in transcript

Postby carlavapu5507 » September 6th, 2014 4:43 am

Hola doodoofan3299 ,

Thank you for your feedback, this will be check by the team in charge of the lessons structure.
Meanwhile have you tried absolute beginner lessons? If you haven't I suggest you try starting from there.

Keep practicing!


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