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beginner series 2

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beginner series 2

Postby jp400 » February 7th, 2009 11:46 pm

While I am at a higher leveel than this series from Costa Rica, the topics and writing are lively enough that I listen for content if nothing else :) .

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Postby cacevedo222 » February 8th, 2009 6:36 pm

Thanks for the feedback. Natalia and I are happy you enjoy our lessons! Have you checked out our more advanced series?


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Postby jp400 » February 8th, 2009 11:28 pm

Are the two of you doing a more advanced series? I think Natalia has a particularly good grasp of English and catches the nuances of both languages, though sometimes I wish she didn't talk so fast in Spanish though I understand she is just talking naturally and I might just as well get used to it.

I often listen on the treadmill at the gym. You've got some good one liners...dropped my ipod once laughing.

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Postby cacevedo222 » February 9th, 2009 3:24 pm

Unfortunately, Natalia and I are not doing a more advanced series. We do have lower and upper intermediate lessons with Kathy and Ana and Martín and Patricia respectfully. These lessons are loaded with more Spanish throughout the lessons and delve deeper into the grammar points presented in the earlier levels. In a couple of months we will be premiering a new Intermediate series for those of you who have achieved a level beyond the Newbie or Beginner.

Thanks for listening!

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