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Lessons on Computer/Internet terminology

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Posts: 57
Joined: January 21st, 2008 8:47 pm

Lessons on Computer/Internet terminology

Postby rodney » November 20th, 2008 9:54 pm

I'd love to see a lesson covering some of the "basics" of computers and internet vocabulary. The possibilities are endless, but here's some starters:

Navigating from page to page - Telling someone to go to this page, the page won't load, refresh the page, etc. The buttons on the page - go, search, click here, next, back, reload, refresh.

Using search engines, how to "googlear" something.

Talk about signing into web pages, signing out of web pages

Talk about email - sending, receiving, did you get my email, send me an email, address books, mailing lists, deleting email, spam

Talk about viruses on your PC

Resolving simple computer issues - printer not working, rebooting, installing software, etc.

calling customer support and describing problems and getting the solution

Talking about wallpaper and screen savers

Downloading files

Posting in forums - registering, posting, editing a post, deleting a post, etc

Talking about podcasts. Is there a Spanish word for podcast?

Terminology for files, folders, desktop, shortcuts, keyboard, monitor, power cables, cd drives, laptop, usb cables

Expert on Something
Posts: 110
Joined: December 19th, 2007 1:24 am

tech-related terms

Postby Joseph » December 2nd, 2008 5:13 am

Good idea, Rodney. Gracias por la sugerencia. You can look for some lessons that talk about how to download a program from the internet, install it, restart and run it. It will be a three-part lesson in Beginner Series 3, which will come out in the Spring. Gracias nuevamente por contribuir al desarrollo de nuestro curso.

desde ya,
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