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Lessons about school/education

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Lessons about school/education

Postby kellysensei » September 19th, 2008 12:01 am

Just a request - I'm a high school ESL teacher with a lot of Spanish-speaking students. I'd like to see a newbie or beginner lesson or two on classroom Spanish; things such as "turn to page 10," "let me see your schedule," or "did you finish your homework?"


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Postby Joseph » September 19th, 2008 1:46 am

Good idea. This one has not come up yet. Thanks for sharing. I'll update here as to where and when you can look forward to it.


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ESL Teachers

Postby Joseph » October 30th, 2008 3:12 am

This is such an interesting request. While, to a great extent, this course is designed for "students" of Spanish, it's great to know that there are "teachers" of other topics who are trying to reach their Spanish-speaking students in their native language. Hats off to you for that!

Lessons 23, 24 and 25 of Newbie Series Season 2 will explore ESL topics. Thanks for the suggestion, and we hope that you enjoy the lessons.


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