This is David, head editor with
I would like the feedback of you, the students, as we are in the process of preparing a new Regional Series 2!!!
Currently, Regional Series 1 consists of Iberian, Costa Rican, and Peruvian Spanish segments that all correspond to Newbie Lessons.
Now, for season 2, we are looking at adding Mexican and Argentinian segments.
What we would like to know is this... Would you prefer that the new season correspond to sequential lower intermediate lessons in terms of topics and level of difficulty for the material, just as the first season did with Newbie level topics?
Or would you prefer to have some of the segments correspond to Newbie level, others to Beginner, others to Lower and Upper intermediate levels. This option is less sequential, so it would not be possible to reference lessons with each other as we have been doing in the first season. You go into less depth on each individual topic. However, it would provide a more broad range of topics and levels of difficulty.
(That's why learning Spanish with is so unique and effective)
Let us know what you think about the NEW REGIONAL SERIES SEASON 2, and we will do our best to meet your language learning needs.

Mil gracias,
-David T.