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Office setting - phone conversations

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Office setting - phone conversations

Postby Karenn » December 1st, 2008 2:38 pm

I would be very interested in a few lessons on business/office phone conversations. This is something I've had trouble finding information on, and yet it's something I'm sure many of us struggle with.

For example, when I answer the phones and a Spanish-speaker calls, often our bilingual worker is not there. I need to inform the caller that the bilingual worker is not in today, but will be in tomorrow (for example). Then I need to take the caller's name, phone number, find out what the caller needs, when she will be available by phone, and if it is an emergency. Finally I need to inform the caller that the bilingual worker will return the call when she returns to the office.

I've finally gotten to where I can convey this information well enough that the callers understand. Understanding them is often a challenge, of course, but I can tell them my Spanish is limited and ask them to speak more slowly. If there is an emergency, I tell them to call a hotline with Spanish speakers.

I often think phone conversations are the hardest thing to do in Spanish, and my students find it eaually difficult in English! Beginner or lower intermediate levels would probably work.


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Joined: December 19th, 2007 1:24 am

phone conversations

Postby Joseph » December 2nd, 2008 4:45 am


Great idea! Look for lessons based off of your suggestion when we roll out Beginner Season 3 in the Spring. Thanks for helping us adapt our content to better meet your needs.

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