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review tracks

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review tracks

Postby mariposa » June 8th, 2008 9:50 am


I noticed that there are differences between the review tracks. In Newbie, Beginner and Lower Intermediate the review track repeats the vocabulary explanation of the lesson while in the Regional Series the student has the possibility to repeat the vocabulary actively, that I find much better, because you have to think about the words and phrases you've learned during the lesson.
Could you introduce this feature also for the Core Curriculum Lessons?


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Review Tracks

Postby Joseph » June 10th, 2008 4:08 am


Very good point to bring up. There's been some talk and brainstorming on other Premium Audio tracks, and we're definitely open to suggestions! I like the review tracks to the Regional Series too, but I wonder if the format gets redundant... What do you think?

Do you find the quiz and paradigm tracks of the Verb Conjugation Series useful? As useful as those of the Regional Series?

Any other ideas or suggestions... And clearly, this is open to everyone!

Thanks for the feedback.

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Postby mariposa » June 10th, 2008 10:40 am

I prefer the review tracks of the Regional Series to the other ones because they are more demanding, you really need to think about that you've heard in the lesson and try to remember the new words or sometimes entire phrases.

I don't work very much with the paradigm tracks and quizzes of the Verb Conjugations Series, as I already know Portuguese,verb conjugation isn't so difficult for me because it works very similiarly in both languages. But I think that they are very useful anyway for English native speakers who generally aren't so accostumed to so many persons, numbers etc.
So if Spanish is the first foreign language that you learn it will be probably necessary to practice the paradigms over and over.

Another suggestion: It would be good in my opinion if you could include the article (gender) of the nouns also in the review tracks and vocabulary flashcards, so that it's possible to learn the noun together with the right gender, because this is one of the most difficult things to remember.

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