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Catalan ?

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Catalan ?

Postby _petiteclaire_ » May 3rd, 2008 5:28 pm

I know this is not technically speaking Spanish, but will you do some lessons about Catalan ? Maybe as a regional series or culture class ?

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Re: Catalan ?

Postby mariposa » May 3rd, 2008 7:12 pm

_petiteclaire_ wrote:I know this is not technically speaking Spanish, but will you do some lessons about Catalan ? Maybe as a regional series or culture class ?

Hi, I don't know if this would be really a good idea. Catalan is a "autonomous" language, like Portuguese, French, Italian and so on.
But I would it find interesting, too, to get some information on the coexistence of these two languages in Catalunya, in a city like Barcelona for example. Maybe Megan and David could make one or two lessons about that.
Of course there are other interesting regions in Spain, some of them also with their own language (Galicia and País Vasco), so I think there is still a lot of material for many interesting lessons.
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