Hello everyone! Thanks so much for your patience, as we've been developing our Intermediate Series. I'm happy to say that
the official release date will be Friday, June 6th, 2008. So. the Core Curriculum will be Mondays (Newbie), Wednesdays (Beginner) and Fridays (Lower Intermediate).
You're hosts will be Kathy Vargas and Ana Madrigal, two lovely university professors who are just as excited to deliver the lessons to you as you are to receive them! We're dividing the Intermediate Series up into two levels (Lower and Upper). Here's why, as I imagine you're wondering.
At the Intermediate level, there are two main goals:
1) to learn grammar in depth. This means that all the verb tenses will be covered and that the vocabulary taught will not be confined to everyday situations, but rather it will be vast, so as to help students learn to express their ideas with greater concision.
2) to learn Spanish in Spanish. The first Lower Intermediate lessons will be given in 50/50 Spanish/English and as we move on, the percentage of English will decrease. When we release Upper Intermediate Lessons, the lessons will be given mainly in Spanish, with some English translations here and there; but for the most part, by that time, students should feel comfortable listening to instruction in Spanish.
As we continue to develop the Intermediate Lessons (Lower and Upper), we would appreciate your feedback. I know this has taken longer than anyone probably wanted, but I would just ask you to bear in mind that we launched Dec. 17, and since then, we've been working day and night to deliver you 7 lessons per week (a feat you'll find in very few on-demand language courses) as well as Regional Lessons from Europe, Central and South America. To quote Carlos, from a Costa Rican Lesson, "this project is almost a teenager".

I think what we've done in our first six months should give us all a lot to look forward to in the near future. And again, you'll have to pardon my redundancy, but this would not be possible if listeners like you did not participate by telling us what you want out of the course. Thanks for your patience.