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what are some good Spanish TV shows for beginners ?

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what are some good Spanish TV shows for beginners ?

Postby RahafM » May 5th, 2018 1:34 am

Hi ,
can you please recommend me a good tv show to improve my spanish ? , Since i'm living in a non spanish-speaking country or even English :roll: .. tv shows and movies would be a perfect way to improve my spanish.
have a good day!

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Re: what are some good Spanish TV shows for beginners ?

Postby carlavapu5507 » May 13th, 2018 5:37 am

Hola RahafM,

Yes, that is a great way to improve your Spanish. You should do it daily.
But since you're a beginner I recommend you watching something you already watch in English.
Nowadays is very easy to have the Spanish translated options in the different platforms.
It's better because they will use a standard Spanish clearer than native Spanish. So it's a good way to start.

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