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How do I determine my "level", e.g. "intermediate"?

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How do I determine my "level", e.g. "intermediate"?

Postby Mercurio » November 28th, 2017 9:31 pm

SpanishPod101 asks for my level of Spanish proficiency, with the options being Absolute Beginner, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Is there a quiz or a standard way to decide which to pick? I picked "intermediate" based on zero evidence. Also, what are the implications of picking a level that is not correct? I am guessing the recommended lessons will not be right for me, but maybe it doesn't do recommendations, I have no idea.


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Re: How do I determine my "level", e.g. "intermediate"?

Postby carlavapu5507 » December 4th, 2017 3:48 am

Hola Mercurio,
Thank you for your question.
Under MyTeacher tap on the top of window please review the assessment option. There you would be able to take a test that would help you decide on a level. ... assessment


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Re: How do I determine my "level", e.g. "intermediate"?

Postby kelly_73277 » December 21st, 2017 5:28 am

Unfortunately, I only get a blank page when I click on the link above. I've tried it using both Edge and Chrome.

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Re: How do I determine my "level", e.g. "intermediate"?

Postby ofeliadgrd » December 26th, 2017 12:30 am

Hi Kelly,

We apologize for the misunderstanding. You can take the assessment test only as a Premium Plus member.
Please find out more here:
If you have questions, feel free to let us know.

Thank you,

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