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Recommended "how to" for audio lessons

New in Town
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Re: Recommended "how to" for audio lessons

Postby jaehwi » June 20th, 2016 7:06 am


Thank you for asking the question.

I'd like to recommend you to listen to the same dialogue multiple times until you can understand the meaning of each phrase without checking the translation. As a premium member, you can download/listen to the review/dialogue audio tracks. After listening to a full lesson, please check the dialogue and listen to the audio several times. That will help you to get used to most frequently used words and phrases in Spanish.

One great feature for premium users is creating "my feed." ... unt/myfeed

Using this feature, you can make your own feed only with dialogue audio tracks. That way, you'll be able to play dialogue of the entire series with a few clicks, so that you can hear the dialogue of entire series multiple times wherever you are.

I hope this helps.

Thank you,

New in Town
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Joined: September 13th, 2016 10:54 am

Re: Recommended "how to" for audio lessons

Postby sperantacarpro_72874 » September 13th, 2016 11:02 am

About the audios, may I also ask ow I can download the dialog tracks only? I have premium membership, but the none of the links on my feed worked for me. I have an android and until now I could just download every lesson separately. Could you please help?

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New in Town
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Re: Recommended "how to" for audio lessons

Postby lena_72836 » September 22nd, 2016 1:51 am


If you're accessing the website, there's a 'Download' link next to the Dialogue track (below the Lesson Audio and Review tracks).
Regarding the App, for now, it downloads all audio when you click [download] button.
Please check the following link to learn how to fully customize personal feeds and choose specific lessons and files. ... unt/myfeed


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