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Spanish folk dance lessons and paella recipes (Spain)

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Spanish folk dance lessons and paella recipes (Spain)

Postby jano20_72732 » September 8th, 2015 5:31 pm

Hola a todos, mi nombre es Juan. Yo soy Húngaro. I'm 12 3/4 years old and there is going to be a European day for the students who study English at school. We can choose a country from the EU, and we're going to do :!: Spain :!: . We have to learn folk dance and we are going to cook native food at a farm close to the town (We're going to cook paella! :D If you have recipes, give me some, please!) I'd like to take some folk dance lessons, but I can oly see Salsa lessons and it's a Latin-American dance. :? If you can show me some Spanish folk dance lessons, give me the link, please! Muchas Gracias! :mrgreen:

My E-mail address is

John (Juan)

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Re: Spanish folk dance lessons and paella recipes (Spain)

Postby carlavapu5507 » September 12th, 2015 4:52 am

Hola Juan,

Mucho gusto!
That sounds pretty nice. I think you should search for "flamenco" to avoid the "salsa" default answers you are getting. "flamenco" its the typical folk dance of Spain. Though salsa is pretty nice too, you should try it!


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Re: Spanish folk dance lessons and paella recipes (Spain)

Postby jano20_72732 » September 12th, 2015 6:46 pm

Hola Carla,

Gracias. So, flamenco then. Unfortunately, I can't show the dance to the class, because the teacher has found something (northern spanish folk dance) .
However, I showed a video about the EU, and I made tasks for it. She (the teacher) LOVED it VERY MUCH! Yo soy muy feliz!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Spanish folk dance lessons and paella recipes (Spain)

Postby carlavapu5507 » October 16th, 2015 9:04 pm

Hola Juan,

Thant's nice.

Buena suerte con las danzas españolas!


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