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Hello! Newbie here!

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Hello! Newbie here!

Postby Samantha_72628 » January 18th, 2015 12:23 pm


Yo estoy Samantha y soy de Sudafricano.

I am only on Lesson 5 of the Newbie series, but I am really enjoying learning Spanish! I am hoping that I can practice with you on the forums as I learn more :)

¿Quién eres tu?
¿De donde es usted?


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Re: Hello! Newbie here!

Postby carlavapu5507 » January 20th, 2015 1:16 am

Hola Samantha,

Thank you for your comment!
We're really happy to hear you are enjoying the lessons.

Yo soy de Perú y me llamo Carla. Sere tu profesora de español y te ayudaré con cualquier duda que tengas sobre las lecciones.

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