I'm a native German-speaker, at school I learned Russian, English and French, from these 3 languages I understand and speak still English and French, as for Russian, I can read at least the kyrillic alphabet and understand some words and phrases - maybe I should try the new russianpod101.com
After school I studied French and Portuguese. During the studies I had do learn also a bit of Latin, but I think Latin makes only sense (at least for me) if you learn it before you begin to study it before other Roman languages. Portuguese is today my "best" language, because I need it in my job and speak it every day.
Some years ago, I've started learning Japanese, I like it very much, but it is by far the most difficult language I've ever learned, first because nearly every word is really new, it's very difficult to find analogies to German or Roman or even Slavic languages, second it demands another learning strategy which works more with visual incentives (there are so many kanji

) and I'm more the "aural-learning-type"
Finally I've been starting with Spanish, that's comparetively easy for me because it's very near to Portuguese, the only problem is not to confound to many words.