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Día del Trabajo: Celebrating Labor Day in Mexico

On Labor Day, Mexico both commemorates the events leading up to the implementation of the Mexican Constitution of 1917 and takes a day off from the same-old-same-old of work. In this article, you’ll learn more about the origins of this holiday, how to celebrate Labor Day in Mexico, and some useful vocabulary! Let’s get started. 1. What is Labor Day? On the Labor Day holiday, Mexico reflects on the history of labor in the country and celebrates the 1917 Constitution that allowed for better workers’ rights. For many years (particularly in the late nineteenth century), Mexican workers faced the plight of poor working conditions, lower wages than their American counterparts, a lack of respect, and the inability to... Show more

Your Guide to the Most Common Spanish Prepositions

In a sentence, prepositions are the glue that connects pronouns, nouns, and other words to convey the most accurate meaning and reveal the relationship between them. Spanish prepositions are no different than prepositions in other languages. If you asked any educated Spaniard about Spanish prepositions, they would tell you that they still remember the list of prepositions in alphabetical order they had to learn in school. This list has changed slightly over the years. A couple of them have been deleted, and a few more have been added. The current official list is: a, ante, bajo, cabe, con, contra, de, desde, durante, en, entre, hacia, hasta, mediante, para, por, según, sin, so, sobre, tras, versus, vía. Some of us learned a similar... Show more

Life Event Messages: Learn Happy Birthday in Spanish & More

We love sharing life event messages on our social media and through instant messages, right? Life events are very significant moments, and many of them are like rituals to us. Take birthdays, weddings, and funerals for example. If you’re learning Spanish and want to say happy birthday in Spanish to your loved ones, or perhaps share your best wishes for the holidays in Spanish with your friends, it’s important to know what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. These types of Spanish greetings and well-wishes for important occasions are normally language-specific words which shouldn’t be literally translated. So when you’re trying to say Merry Christmas in Spanish and Happy New Year in Spanish, instead of translating them, you should... Show more

Your Guide to Using Weather Terms in Spanish

We’ve all encountered this typical situation: You’re getting back home after a long day. You’re tired and are finally inside the elevator, going up to your place. You’re going to the top floor, the elevator stops, and then someone quickly walks inside and the door closes. Oh no! "Hi!" you say. "Hello" says your neighbour back to you. You both look at each other, he smiles…Oh, no! Uncomfortable situation! Eight floors away from your house and it’s like forever. Suddenly he says "It’s very cloudy out there. It says that tomorrow it may rain." Aha! Weather! It’s always the perfect subject to bring up inside the elevator. If you find yourself in that situation in Spain, you have to be prepared to break the ice by learning about the... Show more

Semana Santa: Celebrating Holy Week in Spain

Semana Santa, or Holy Week in Spain, is a Christian holiday season widely celebrated throughout the country. This holiday has a long history in Spain, and traditions today are a mix of the old and new. In this article, you’ll learn what the most important holy days of this week represent, how the Spanish celebrate Holy Week as a whole, and more facts about Spanish Holy Week. Let’s get started! 1. What is Holy Week? In Spain, Holy Week is a major celebration period that starts on Palm Sunday and ends the day before Easter. Thus, this week is composed of six very important days for Christian Catholics in the country. However, four of these days tend to be more fervently celebrated than the others: Palm Sunday... Show more

Spanish Adjectives Guide & Top 100 Spanish Adjectives List

Is it possible to speak a language without using any adjectives? Well, it is, but if you did, you would lose so much meaning. It would be like eating a flavorless meal; sure, you ingest food and all of its nutrients, but do you actually enjoy it? Not much, surely. Adjectives might not be essential for all kinds of communication, but they’re still very important and bring more meaning to your words. In this article, you’ll find 100 of the most-used Spanish adjectives, as well as how to use them. Rest assured this will help you spice up your Spanish! Table of Contents How Do Spanish Adjectives Work? Common Spanish Adjectives for Dimensions, Sizes, Distance, etc. Essential Spanish Adjectives for Describing Value Spanish... Show more

Learn Spanish with Spanish Shows on Netflix

Learning Spanish by watching Spanish movies on Netflix and Spanish TV shows on Netflix is fun and easy. You can improve your listening skills, get a better understanding of the Spanish language in everyday conversation, and learn about the cultures where this language is spoken. When watching Spanish TV shows on Netflix, you can learn Spanish-language expressions and jokes without even realizing that you’re improving your understanding of the language. How will you know? If you laugh at the joke, you got it! Watching the best Spanish movies on Netflix is one of the best ways of learning Spanish because you not only have access to all the Spanish and Latin American shows, but you can also choose from any Spanish accent! If you’ve just... Show more

Día de la Bandera: Celebrating Mexican Flag Day

On Mexican Flag Day (Dia de la Bandera), the people of Mexico celebrate their country’s flag and the aspects of independence it depicts. This is a significant holiday in Mexico, and one draped in colorful symbolism. In this article, you’ll learn about National Flag Day, Mexico’s gradual victory toward independence from Spain, and more fun facts about the Flag of Mexico. Let’s get started! 1. What is National Flag’s Day in Mexico? In Mexico, National Flag Day is a day set aside to honor the Mexican Flag. This holiday has its origins in 1935, when a Bank of Mexico employee (Benito Ramírez) set up a special honor guard to celebrate the Flag of Mexico. Five years later, in 1940, National Flag’s Day became an official holiday at... Show more

Spanish Conjunctions Guide: Link Your Thoughts Together

Conjunctions in Spanish are a crucial part of learning Spanish. They allow you to connect your thoughts, make comparisons, and put sentences together. Clarity is very important when you’re learning a new language. Not only because the other person will understand what you’re saying, but also because it will build your confidence. Do you remember when you first decided to learn Spanish? You may still remember how frustrating it was to try having a fluid conversation with a native speaker. You were trying to find the small words to express yourself properly. We all find ourselves saying: "I have a brother. I have a sister. I have a mother. I do not have a father." Well, this is what Spanish conjunctions will do for you. Learning... Show more

Why Spanish Speaking Countries Are Popular Study Abroad Destinations

A recent study has indicated that Spanish speaking countries are rising in popularity as study abroad destinations for international students. From Spain to Mexico to Costa Rica if you’re looking to study abroad, Spanish speaking countries are proving to be the ultimate destinations. Second only to Mandarin Chinese, Spanish has one of the largest numbers of native speakers in the world. Native Spanish speakers span countries and continents, and learning Spanish will give you linguistic access to a huge portion of the world’s population, as well as a window into a diverse medley of cultures across the Americas and Europe. As globalization continues to bring the world closer together, it’s clear that students are recognizing the... Show more