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Audio and Video Lessons!

A piñata is a container made of pottery or paper. – Mexican Culture

A piñata is a decorated container that sometimes holds candy or small presents. They are mainly used at birthday parties, but are also common during other celebrations. People take turns trying to break the piñata with a stick. Once it’s been broken, the candy and small presents fall out for people to collect. Celebramos los cumpleaños con una piñata. We celebrate birthdays with a piñata. P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of Spanish with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons The Daily Dose of Spanish is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your Spanish over time. Lessons range from culture and holidays to grammar, slang, phrases and... Show more

What do you know about Día de la Revolución Mexicana (Mexican Revolution Day)?

November 20 is the official Mexican Revolution Day, but it's celebrated as a public holiday on the third Monday of November. Revolution Day commemorates the start of the Mexican Revolution, which began in order to overthrow the dictator Porfirio Diaz in 1910. The revolution lasted 10 years. Se suele cantar corridos en el Día de la Revolución. Ballads are usually sung on the Mexican Revolution Day. P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of Spanish with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons The Daily Dose of Spanish is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your Spanish over time. Lessons range from culture and holidays to grammar, slang,... Show more

We’re Giving Thanks: Spanish Lessons for just $2.80/Month & a FREE Video Lesson!

Hi there Listener, If you ask us what we’re thankful for, it’s people like you. People who choose to learn Spanish. People who know they will master Spanish because it’s just a matter of time. These are the ones who truly do learn the language. How do we know? 10 years of teaching experience and feedback from learners like you. You’ve shaped SpanishPod101 into a fast, effective and FUN system. Thank you. So during the Thank You Sale, Get a BIG 30% OFF All Basic and Premium Plans! Master more Spanish for LESS with real lessons by real teachers – that’s 230+ hours of audio and video lessons. Your dream of truly learning Spanish is a lot easier and much more affordable. But only ‘til November 25th, 2015.Click here to get 30% OFF & your... Show more

Did you know ‘Aduana’ means ‘customs’ in ‪Spanish?

'Aduana' means 'customs' in ‪Spanish. Here are some words picked by Alex: permiso de reingreso: re-entry permit cuarentena: quarantine pasaporte: passport Learn more words about customs! Click here and learn more with Alex! P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of Spanish with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons The Daily Dose of Spanish is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your Spanish over time. Lessons range from culture and holidays to grammar, slang, phrases and more. Find it in the Spanish Resources menu or in the Quick Links menu on your Dashboard. Click here to check out the Daily Dose of Spanish Calendar.

Did you know ‘Tianguis’ means ‘street market’ in Spanish?

Tianguis are open air markets. They are fascinating remnants of the pre-Hispanic age and are still a very important part of the commercial exchange of most cities and towns in Mexico. In general, the busiest day for the Tianguis is Sunday, when artisans and producers can leave their daily labor to go sell their merchandise, to do their shopping and to have fun. Siempre hay mucha gente comprando en los tianguis. There are always a lot of people shopping at street markets. P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of Spanish with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons The Daily Dose of Spanish is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your... Show more

desastres: disasters

Here are some words picked by Alex: avalancha: avalanche terremoto: earthquake tifón: typhoon Learn more words about disasters! Click here and learn more with Alex! P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of Spanish with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons The Daily Dose of Spanish is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your Spanish over time. Lessons range from culture and holidays to grammar, slang, phrases and more. Find it in the Spanish Resources menu or in the Quick Links menu on your Dashboard. Click here to check out the Daily Dose of Spanish Calendar.

calavera: skull

In Mexico skulls and skeletons symbolize death as a figure and can be seen as figurines or candy for special celebrations like the "Day of the Dead", Día de muertos. Puse una calavera frente a la puerta para Halloween - I put a skeleton in front of the door for Halloween. P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of Spanish with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons The Daily Dose of Spanish is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your Spanish over time. Lessons range from culture and holidays to grammar, slang, phrases and more. Find it in the Spanish Resources menu or in the Quick Links menu on your Dashboard. Click here to check out... Show more

continente: continent

Here are some words picked by Alex: África: Africa Antártida: Antartica Norte América: North America Learn more words about continents! Click here and learn more with Alex! P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of Spanish with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons The Daily Dose of Spanish is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your Spanish over time. Lessons range from culture and holidays to grammar, slang, phrases and more. Find it in the Spanish Resources menu or in the Quick Links menu on your Dashboard. Click here to check out the Daily Dose of Spanish Calendar.

3 Ways to Fully Master Spanish Conversations. It’ll Feel Like Cheating

Hello Listener, Today, we have 3 ways to help you FULLY understand Spanish conversations...simply by listening and reading along. In fact, it works so well, it’s almost like cheating. Imagine listening to a new Spanish conversation: Oh! A word you know! Tons of words you don’t know.’re lost. But, what if you had the lines and translations – everything that’s being said – to read along with? Simply by listening and reading along... You understand 100% of the Spanish that you hear. You stay laser-focused. It’s easy to get distracted with reading or listening alone. Here, you’re much more engaged by 2 senses at the same time. Result: You learn Spanish faster. New words. New phrases. They’re all translated for you.... Show more

Teotihuacán: Teotihuacan

Teotihuacán is a Náhuatl term meaning, “The place where men become gods." It is the name given to an ancient city situated about 50 km north-east of Mexico City. It is one hour from the captial by car or bus. It is believed that this city was the first metropolis built in Mesoamerica. People lived in this city between 200 BC until 600 AD, when the city was mysteriously abandoned. Nowadays, people are still allowed to climb up to the top of the main structures, to enjoy the view. The Pirámide del Sol, literally - Pyramid of the Sun - is the 3rd largest pyramid in the world. Vamos a Teotihuacán este fin de semana (Let's go to Teotihucan this weekend). P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of Spanish with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons The Daily Dose of... Show more