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Archive for the 'Teaching Spanish' Category

Learning Spanish with Podcasts

Not only has the Internet helped with language learning lessons and practice, but podcasts can help tremendously. You can find free online Spanish audio lessons and download them. That means that your lessons are on your computer, phone, or handheld device. They’re there whenever you want to access them, as many times as you want to access them. It’s like have your own team of language teachers who are ready to teach whenever you’re ready to learn, who let you choose which lessons you want to learn, and who have infinite patience because they’re able to teach you the same lesson as many times as you need in order to master it. This cutting edge method allows you the freedom to learn at your own pace. You listen and learn whenever it... Show more

Learning Spanish Online

Learning another language is so much easier now than it ever has been. Think back to Roman times when hearing another language meant enemies were nearby, and learning another language meant that you somehow had to cross those lines and make friends with people who may prefer to be your enemies. Then you had to have enough exposure to the language to be able to figure out the meanings of different words are and the patterns of how the language works. Lifespans were also much shorter, so you had to do all of that decoding and practicing rather quickly. Today, we have the Internet. So many online features allow us to learn a language easily, at our own pace, and in whatever location we choose. Today online lessons and podcasts allow... Show more

Why Learn Spanish?

Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and its popularity is growing. It is the primary language of 21 countries, and it is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Nearly 400 million people speak Spanish as their first language, and it’s the 4th most popular world language behind Chinese, Hindustani, and English. There are no indications that Spanish will do anything but become more popular either. As the Hispanic population grows, and as more people study Spanish as a second language, the number of speakers will continue to increase. This popularity is one of the reasons to learn Spanish. Free online Spanish lessons, Spanish audio lessons, and Spanish podcasts make the language even easier... Show more

About Spanish

Spanish is the most popular of the world’s Romance languages, which are languages that have their origins directly from Latin. The other Romance languages, by the way, are French, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian. Spanish is one of the most popular languages to learn because it is spoken in so many parts of the world and it is the official language of areas like Spain, Mexico, Central America, and most of South America. If you consider the number of speakers of the language, it is the fourth most spoken language out of the hundreds of languages spoken today. It is by far the most popular language studied as a foreign language in American universities. If you want to learn Spanish, you’ll have many people to practice with, whether... Show more