Archive for the 'Feature Spotlight' Category
April 18, 2009
My Feed – Learn Spanish the Way You Want!
Welcome to the blog, Feature Spotlight. Here we would like to periodically introduce some well known features as well as some not so well known features here at We want to make sure everyone knows about all the great features that you can use to master Spanish in just minutes a day.
Today we would like to introduce My Feed. This is a fully customizable RSS feed. What's that mean? Well, for those that haven't studied up on the latest Web 2.0 technology, that basically allows Premium members to decide exactly what lesson content they want on their Premium feed.
Here's 3 simple steps on how you can use My Feed to really master Spanish:
You decide exactly what you want.
You download what you... Show more
April 5, 2009
Buy a 1 Year Subscription, Get 1 Year Free!
Are you committed to studying Spanish? Do you study on the train? At home after a long day of work? While at the gym? Any moment of free time you can find?
We know how serious our students are. Studying a language takes time and commitment. We know you have the commitment to study. Now we're providing you with the time to study Spanish for 2 full years, hassle free!
You can now study with with our new 24 Month Subscriptions! After studying Spanish with for 24-months you can take the leap from Beginner to Advanced, have flowing and fluent conversations with native-Spanish speakers, and rread books, novels, magazines, and newspapers.
We want you to be able to reach those goals. That's why we've... Show more
December 25, 2008
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year From!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from everyone here at! We're grateful to have listeners just like you, and we're eagerly waiting for the upcoming year to learn Spanish together!
And when the New Year comes around, be sure to make a resolution to study Spanish with!
Have a healthy and happy holiday season.
From the Team!
December 18, 2008
Christmas Countdown Campaign – The Faster You Act, The Bigger the Reward!
Picture this. You’re out holiday shopping. You see a sign for 10% OFF. You feel like you’re getting a really good deal, so you rush into the store and make your purchase. You’re a happy customer.
2 days later…
You’re out holiday shopping again. You pass by the same store, and the sale sign doesn’t just catch your eye, it punches you in the face! 20% OFF! You're not such a happy customer.
Sound familiar?
We’ve all experienced it. You buy something at a low price just to see it selling at a lower one the next day. Now the good deal we got suddenly doesn’t seem so good anymore. And you know what? It didn’t seem fair.
In fact, we think responsible people who act early should be rewarded.
So…we came up with the Reverse... Show more
December 1, 2008
Give the Gift of Spanish Fluency!
What they really want for the Holidays.
Looking for the perfect gift for your friend or loved one who is living in an Spanish-speaking country, or interested in the Spanish language, and culture?
Give them the perfect present—the Gift of Gab in Spanish. Your friend or loved one will thank you repeatedly throughout the year as they rapidly learn to speak Spanish.
A subscription to is the fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Spanish. This gift is so good that it just might be the present that lasts a lifetime. The quick progress they make will motivate them to learn more. Before you know it, your friend or loved one will be immersed in Spanish and they'll have one person to thank. This... Show more
November 7, 2008
Change, Don’t Be Left Behind!
Starting Monday, November 10th all lessons three weeks or older will be moved to the Basic subscription section of the site. The first three lessons of every season and every level will remain free forever on the site.
What does this mean for you?
If you’re an active Basic or Premium member, you will be unaffected. Absolutely nothing will change. Furthermore, long-time listeners enjoying the most recent episodes, you are also unaffected. Lessons less than three weeks old will remain absolutely free on the site and on the feed. In addition, the first three lessons of all levels and all season will still be free on the site for you to study from, so continue to enjoy lessons.
Listeners and users focusing on older... Show more
July 7, 2008
Time to Get Social with AddThis!
We have just added the AddThis button to our blog. Now you can share your favorite blogs posts with your friends and colleagues via social bookmarking sites or by email. You can find the "Share" button at the bottom of each post.
We hope that you enjoy this convenient way to share our content and encourage you to do so.
April 1, 2008
Introducing “My Feed” – Your Personalized RSS Feed
After weeks of development, we're happy to announce the launch of the much anticipated My Feed. This fully customizable RSS feed lets Premium members decide exactly what lesson content they want on their Premium feed.
Setting up My Feed is a a simple 3 step process.
Choose the lesson types you want (e.g. Beginner, Newbie, Audio Blog, etc.)
Choose the type of content you want (e.g. Main Audio, Dialog Clip, Review Clip, PDF, Video Vocab, etc.)
Add My Feed to iTunes or other iTunes compatible feed readers like Juice, and just watch the content you want come rolling in.
To learn more about My Feed check out the video below or if you're a Premium member, click here to get started now.
Thank you all for your continued... Show more