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Archive for the 'Feature Spotlight' Category

Introducing the New SpanishPod101.com Dashboard!

Greetings from Team SpanishPod101! We’re stopping by the blog today to tell you about an exciting new feature we’re slowly rolling out on the website. A few select users have been chosen to test drive the new Dashboard feature. Log in to your account today to see if you’re one of them! The new Dashboard aims to help you track your Spanish learning quickly and easily. We’ve produced a lot of lessons in our lifetime and while we pride ourselves on offering a wide variety of lessons to our users, we realized that it can been pretty overwhelming for some. Where do I start? What level is best for me? What series do I move on to now? These were common questions coming in from avid users like you, so we set out to solve these... Show more

Learn Spanish with This Once in a Millennium Offer

Better than Black Friday. That comes once a year. This offer is once in a millennium. Good through Monday: Click here to get 1-Month Premium for $11.11 (55% OFF the regular price) or Click here to get 1-Year Premium for $111.11 (43% OFF the regular price) That’s every single one of our audio and video lessons, PDF Lesson Notes, My Flashcards, My Word Bank, Core Word Lists, Lesson Quizzes, Review, Dialogue and Expansion tracks and so much more - for $11.11 for a single month, or $111.11 for an entire year! Don’t let this once in a millennium chance pass you by - it expires Monday, November 14th at midnight! Just pick your deal and get started with our fun and effective Spanish language learning system today! ... Show more

Conquer Spanish with Collins Spanish for Mac

Hello Listeners, Ever attempt math homework? Drive into a traffic jam? Log into Facebook? All are popular and guaranteed ways of getting stuck and getting nowhere. Unfortunately Spanish is no different. But before you admit shameful defeat and go on Facebook to express your anguish in a status, there’s something that will get you through! One of the most trusted Spanish dictionaries is now on the Mac. Together with famous publisher HarperCollins, we’ve brought you the Collins Unabridged English Dictionary and Collins Thesaurus of the English Language. This time, it’s the Collins Spanish Dictionary Complete and Unabridged. This is the first and last Spanish dictionary you’ll ever need. If you’re feeling stuck, building up... Show more

A New Look at SpanishPod101

Hello Listener, (For maximum impact, read in Old Spice Guy’s voice) Look at our homepage. Now back to us. Now back to our homepage. Now back to us. Look different? It should! With the help of our wonderful users, like you, we’ve listened to your feedback and came up with this. Designing the homepage has been like watching a baby grow. Our iTunes logo has also changed. You can see it on our Facebook and Twitter accounts! So when you download our free audio lessons on iTunes and see a new logo... do not be alarmed. It's still SpanishPod101. The Old The New We’ve decided it was time for a change here at SpanishPod101. Why the change? Well, We’re not just a podcast website - but a language learning system. ... Show more

The World’s Biggest

Google is the world’s biggest Search Engine. Apple is the world’s biggest smart phone maker. The Blue whale is the world’s biggest animal. And now, our little Innovative Language Learning family has become the world’s biggest language learning app maker! Apple verified this themselves. Surprised? Us too! In about 5 years, we’ve made over 600 apps across 40 languages that available on the iTunes store for the iPhone and iPad alone. Not to mention, our Android and Mac desktop apps. Can you imagine? That’s more language packed in one spot than a United Nations conference. Except you could learn them all. Or some. Mastering 600 apps is only for insane overachievers. Some of our most popular mobile apps include Survival... Show more

Gengo WordPower Updated! But can it make you fluent?

Probably not, but it can get you pretty close. This little app does pack a massive punch - master all the words and you’ll reach 80% comprehension, or in other words, daily conversational level! But if Gengo WordPower wasn’t powerful enough already, we’ve went ahead and added more power! In Case You Didnt Know... The Gengo WordPower App provides you with the Core 2000 Spanish words. According to experts, knowing 2000 puts you at over 80% comprehension (exact number varies per language). So Whats New? A new sleek black interface & smooth navigation which lets you breeze through your studying. The new Flashcard system - you will remember those words because the flashcards wont let you go until you do. Go behind... Show more

We know what you did last summer..

You were swimming, weren’t you!? Don’t worry, just checking. Summer’s here and we’re in the mood to celebrate this warm joyous season – and what better way to start summer off right than have a Summer Celebration Sale! Why celebrate summer you ask? Excellent question. Because not only is the sun shining and the ice-cream plentiful, but we also have a lot of NEW things to release. We’re kicking off July with 6 brand NEW languages, NEW Premium Flashcards, NEW lessons AND a NEW discount of 22% OFF for Premium Subscribers. Click here to get the discount and get all of our new features! This Fourth of July, we welcome Swedish, Dutch, Hungarian, Hindi, Hebrew and Indonesian to the Pod101 family! Also, our Premium... Show more

Learn Spanish with the NEW My Flashcards System (beta)

Premium Members, your Premium Account just got a whole lot more powerful! My Flashcards now allows you to study the Spanish words you want by importing lists from audio and video lessons, your My WordBank and the Spanish Core Word Lists 2000. Here's a quick rundown of the new features: My Flashcards Dashboard: My Flashcards have a brand new interface. Import words from any audio and video lesson, My WordBank and the Core Word Lists. Create, edit and delete as many decks as you want! Create a New Deck: How you want to study is completely up to you! You control what displays on the front and back of cards. Create new decks out of the existing words in My Flashcards. Simple pick the words, name your deck and you're ready to study.... Show more

Happy Holidays from SpanishPod101!

Our annual Reverse Christmas countdown begins today with the biggest savings of the year! Save 50% off any Basic or Premium subscription until midnight EST tonight with our Secret Santa Holiday Countdown Tomorrow, the daily deal drops below 50% OFF, so upgrade to Basic or Premium right now. Just click the link below: Half off SpanishPod101 until midnight EST? Sign me up right now! Everyday until Christmas, we’re offering a daily deal on our Basic and Premium subscriptions. Act early and save more. It’s as easy as that! We can’t tell you what tomorrow’s deal will be, but we can tell you that it won’t be as good as today’s. New seasons of SpanishPod101.com begin on January 3rd, so there’s no better time than now to upgrade to Basic... Show more

The Secret Behind Successfully Learning Spanish Effortlessly

How to Really Learn Spanish in Just Minutes a Day and Stick with it Get an Instant 10% OFF with coupon code FF2009 for a limited time. The Myth What if I told you mastering Spanish wasn't that hard. That actually learning the language itself is not nearly as difficult as you may have heard. And that the problem to progressing is an age old one...failure to execute. The Real Issue Said another way, "People don't progress 'cause they don't do! If you don't do the work, you won't reach your goals." It's a bold statement, but think about it. How many things have you tried, only to give up at some later point in time. Exercising daily, diets, hobbies, etc. Language learning is no exception. We tend to start out... Show more