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Archive for the 'Spanish Phrases' Category

Your Ultimate Guide to Spanish Conjugation

Conjugation is a fundamental aspect of Spanish. Yes, we wish it was easier than it is, but it’s definitely one of the basic skills you need to gain when learning Spanish. Just so you know, you don’t need to learn all Spanish conjugations at once, so feel free to learn them at your own pace. We’re just going to guide you so that you have an easier time studying the Spanish conjugation basics. When you start learning a new language, you’ll most likely start by studying the present tense first, right? The basics you need for introducing yourself. It’s all about going through them step-by-step instead of rushing it all at once and trying to memorize them all at the same time.  To give you an example, we all know what happens when you... Show more

Top 100 Spanish Verbs You Should Know

Why learn Spanish verbs? Why are they important? Language would pretty much not exist without verbs. We would still be able to talk, of course, and understand one another. But think of how you would need to describe something that you would normally express with a verb. For example, if you wanted to tell someone they need to run. Using verbs, this is something that we can express by just saying "Run!" Take a moment to think of how you would say that with no verbs at all. It won’t take you very long: surely you’ll easily find another way of saying the exact same thing, but it might sound silly and you would probably use a few more words. This is one of the many reasons we need verbs. Sadly, as you might already know, Spanish verbs... Show more

Ultimate Guide to Spanish Pronouns

Pronouns are essential in any language. All languages have pronouns, in some way or another, though some might not have as many as others. We use pronouns all the time, so not understanding them would mean missing a big part of the conversation.  They simplify the language and make it possible for us not to repeat ourselves all the time. Sentences would be so much longer if we didn't use pronouns or some other way of indicating what you're talking about without constant repetition. There are many different kinds of Spanish pronouns, including indirect and direct object pronouns in Spanish, and we're going to take a look at all of them. If you don’t feel like reading the entire article, you can always look at our list of the Most Useful... Show more

The Basics of Spanish Word Order

We might not always like to admit this when we’re starting to learn a language, but the truth is that one can’t speak properly without knowing how to put sentences together. If you use the wrong word order, there’s a chance that what you’re saying might have a different meaning than what you intended, or it might have no meaning at all. To avoid this, here’s the perfect article for you to learn Spanish sentence structure. You’ll soon learn that Spanish word order is actually not so hard, and that, in some ways, it’s similar to word order in English. You’ll also learn that, in fact, it’s more flexible! That means you can change the order of words a little bit more than you can in English. Table of Contents Overview of Word... Show more

Ultimate Guide to Telling Time in Spanish

How do you say “time” in Spanish? And how do you say "What time is it?" in Spanish?  Did you know that to tell the time you should never use the literal translation, tiempo?  That’s just the tip of the iceberg, though. We’ll answer this and other questions more in-depth in this blog post! Learn everything about how to say the time in Spanish with SpanishPod101.com! Learning about telling time in Spanish, along with how to introduce yourself in Spanish, is significantly important if you want to improve your conversation skills.  Even in your native language, knowing the right way of telling the time can help you avoid misunderstandings. Well, time is so crucial in Spanish culture that learning how to tell time is as important as... Show more

Learn Spanish Directions: “Left” in Spanish & Much More

Do you enjoy traveling? We do! And we know that even though it’s possible to travel to most places speaking only English, we love the feeling of being able to understand the locals, even if it’s only a few words. There’s some vocabulary that’s especially useful in these cases, such as "left" in Spanish or the four basic map directions. Asking for directions is one of the basic bits of knowledge that you most definitely need every time you travel. Even with Google Maps, you'll probably end up needing a little bit of help at some point during your trip. No battery, no data, or maybe just a complicated place to get to! In any case, it’s better to be safe. Often, when you learn directions in Spanish (or other languages), you learn how to... Show more

How to Compliment in Spanish: Spanish Compliment Guide

Hacer un cumplido, lanzar un piropo, or un halago: to compliment someone in Spanish. Spanish is a Latin language, also known as one of the romance languages. While this doesn’t mean the language is romantic by nature, there are plenty of sweet Spanish compliments you can offer someone to warm their heart. So, how do you say "compliment" in Spanish? Compliments in Spanish are known as piropos, halagos, or cumplidos. If you’re planning to travel to Spain or Latin America, you’ll come across many of those. You’ll be amazed by how we compliment anyone on anything. It’s our way of encouraging each other! Whenever I’m with some foreigner friends around my city, they’re always in awe about how we naturally call anyone guapo or guapa.... Show more

Learn Gender in Spanish: Spanish Gender Rules

The gender of nouns in Spanish is part of a noun's identity. We won't be able to use a noun correctly without its corresponding article. If English (or another language with genderless nouns) is your first language, you probably freaked out when you found out that nouns have gender in Spanish. We admit that it does sound a little scary at first. But hey, if it makes you feel better, at least Spanish isn’t like German, which has three genders, or like Polish, which has a few more than that. Or Swedish, which has two genders that aren't feminine or masculine. There are many languages that use genders. Fortunately, we only have two genders, and we plan on keeping them. They might not always make sense to a foreigner (I mean, why would a... Show more

How to be Angry in Spanish: 2020 Guide to 20+ Angry Phrases

Trying to express your feelings is very important, especially if you’re learning a new language. I still remember how frustrating it was when I was trying to express myself in a new language. Sometimes I couldn’t find the words so it was easier just to give up. Well, that’s why we want to put this article out there for you, even if you’re one of those people who never (or almost never) gets angry. There will be a time when you need to express that you are angry in Spanish. Learn how to say "angry" in Spanish, how to express your feelings and when, and most importantly, how to spot when someone is being angry in Spanish toward you. Spanish is a romance language not only because it comes from Latin, but because you can express so many... Show more

Día del Trabajo: Celebrating Labor Day in Mexico

On Labor Day, Mexico both commemorates the events leading up to the implementation of the Mexican Constitution of 1917 and takes a day off from the same-old-same-old of work. In this article, you’ll learn more about the origins of this holiday, how to celebrate Labor Day in Mexico, and some useful vocabulary! Let’s get started. 1. What is Labor Day? On the Labor Day holiday, Mexico reflects on the history of labor in the country and celebrates the 1917 Constitution that allowed for better workers’ rights. For many years (particularly in the late nineteenth century), Mexican workers faced the plight of poor working conditions, lower wages than their American counterparts, a lack of respect, and the inability to... Show more