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Archive for the 'Spanish Online' Category

Popular Spanish Quotes: Little Nuggets of Spanish Wisdom

How many proverbs and quotes do you think you encounter on a given day? These words of wit and wisdom can appear almost anywhere, whether you’re scrolling through your Instagram and Pinterest feeds, watching a movie, or talking with friends and family. In Spanish, we use refranes ("sayings"), which are ready-made phrases that come from our mothers and grandmothers, passed down from one generation to another. These sayings have become very popular over the years, and Spaniards frequently use them in their daily lives. Learning these Spanish quotes and sayings will help you connect with the Spanish language on a deep level and immerse you in the culture. In this article, we’re going to review the most popular refranes that Spanish... Show more

The Top Phrases for Doing Business in Spanish

A lot of people who decide to learn Spanish do so because they're thinking of moving to Spain or another Spanish-speaking country.  Even if this isn't the case for you, you never know when knowing just a few basic Spanish business phrases will come in handy. For example, you might be the only person, or one of only a few people, in your company who speaks at least a little Spanish. If your boss ever required you to travel to Spain for a business trip, knowing some phrases for doing business in Spanish could be crucial for you!  At, we think it's better to be safe than sorry. Why not be ready for that moment? Table of Contents Nail a Job Interview Interact with Coworkers Sound Smart in a Meeting ... Show more

All About the Subjunctive Spanish Mood

Do you know the names of all the verbal moods and tenses in English (or in your native language)? You might know a few, you might know all of them, or you might not even be familiar with any of them. Knowing the names isn’t so important, unless you’re a huge fan of grammar or you study something related to linguistics. But, even if you don’t know all these names, you know how to use them, don’t you? Otherwise you wouldn’t make much sense in your native language. We’re going to teach you everything you need to know about the subjunctive Spanish mood and all its tenses, which is going to be incredibly helpful for your Spanish.  This is what’s important: not what we call them—even though it’s still helpful when learning them—but knowing... Show more

Learn How to Say Goodbye in Spanish! You’ve already learned how to say hello in Spanish, so now it’s time to start saying goodbye. Like in any language, there are many different ways you can say goodbye in Spanish depending on the context. In this article, we’ll teach you common Spanish goodbye phrases for any situation, from formal encounters to leaving a group of friends or ending a phone call. By the end, you’ll be able to recognize many different Spanish goodbyes when you hear them, and understand how to use them yourself to sound more like a native speaker! → In addition to this guide, we have a series of activities on for you, so you can put all of this new knowledge into practice. Table... Show more

Is Spanish Hard to Learn, and Should You Start Learning?

There are many reasons why you should learn Spanish, and truth be told, everyone who’s looking to learn has their own special reason. Some learners might want to move to a Spanish-speaking country, while others might have a Spanish-speaking significant other. Some learners might just like the language, while others think that it’s a useful language to learn. And it is! In fact, Spanish is one of the most useful languages to learn in the world.  But is Spanish hard to learn, as well?  Well, it has the second-largest number of native speakers (after Mandarin Chinese) and it’s the fourth most-spoken language overall. Anyone who’s able to speak at least two of the most-spoken languages in the world already has a huge advantage compared... Show more

The 9 Most Common Mistakes in Spanish for Learners

We know that learning Spanish can be a bit frustrating, especially for native English-speakers. Trying to understand the language’s structure is intimidating to many—but calm down! No matter how many mistakes in Spanish you make along the way, the most important thing is to enjoy the process and learn step-by-step. Knowing what to look out for will help you improve your Spanish language skills a lot more quickly. In this article, we’ll introduce you to the nine most common mistakes when learning Spanish. We’ll review a list of common mistakes of English speakers in Spanish, from pronunciation and vocabulary, to gender agreement and false friends. At the end, we’ll also cover some funny errors in Spanish that you should avoid at all... Show more

Top 10 Questions in Spanish and How to Answer Them

Can you ask questions in Spanish yet?  We’re sure you’re aware that to master any language, you can’t rely solely on affirmative sentences. You need to know how to ask questions, though some questions are more important than others. This is especially true for non-native speakers who are just starting out. Knowing the right questions can help you survive self-introductions, and others can get you out of sticky situations.   The first thing you need to learn, if you haven’t yet, are Spanish question words. Knowing these words, as well as the most common questions in Spanish, you can start asking your own questions! You can find a list of Spanish question words in our article about pronouns. Now, onto our list of Spanish questions... Show more

How to Pass the DELE Spanish Proficiency Test

At some point in your Spanish-learning journey, you’ll probably want to test your mettle and see how far you’ve come. Few things are as motivating as tangible progress, after all! And depending on your reasons for learning Spanish, becoming certified in your Spanish proficiency may be necessary to achieve your goals. That’s where the DELE Spanish test comes in.  In this article, we’ll explain everything about the DELE, one of the official Spanish language exams: what it is, how to sign up, and why you should care. You’ll also learn all the details about the six possible DELE Spanish exam levels and how to identify yours.  For those of you who don't know much about DELE, this article will inform you about everything you need to... Show more

Learn the Top 10 Spanish Sentence Patterns

Often, when you start learning a new language, you're not really sure how to begin. Random words? Grammar? Basic sentences, maybe? While perhaps memorizing sentences isn't what you're looking for when you decide to begin studying, the truth is that these basic Spanish sentence patterns will actually prove very useful. When you’re completely lost at the beginning of your language-learning journey, knowing them will help you have a precise idea of how to have a basic yet meaningful conversation. If you memorize these ten most basic and useful Spanish sentence structures, you’ll be able to generate hundreds of natural sentences and converse with ease and confidence. We promise that you’ll use most of these sentence patterns every time you... Show more

Move to the Next Level with 100 Spanish Adverbs Can you spot adverbs in a novel? If your answer is no, don't be embarrassed. We sometimes forget what adverbs do in a sentence—you may not even remember what "adverb" actually means.   When learning a second language, it’s normal to forget this type of information. Spanish adverbs aren’t that different from those in English, but there are a few tricks about how to identify them and where to put them in a sentence. In this article, we’ll teach you all about Spanish adverbs, and we’ll also provide an excellent list of 100 Spanish adverbs and their meanings. Table of Contents What are Spanish Adverbs? How Do You Form an Adverb in Spanish? The 100 Most Useful... Show more