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Advanced Spanish Phrases for Studying and Working

https://youtu.be/ksT86Wjuhc8?si=vwacR0WwVAJg5YBt Learning a language, whether in the classroom or on your own, is a rewarding and fun experience. It allows you to watch movies and understand lyrics in another language, and it can even help you make new friends. When you reach an advanced level, however, a world of opportunities opens. If you’re dreaming of an academic or professional career in Spain or another Spanish-speaking country, you’re already aware that it can be the pathway to a brilliant future. More than 500 million people around the planet speak the language—just imagine the possibilities!  Need a little help getting there? Here are some advanced Spanish phrases that can put you on track. Also, stick around for... Show more

Intermediate Spanish Phrases for Everyday Conversations

Once you’ve mastered the basics of a language, you’re ready to move on to the next level and start handling more complex interactions. Learning intermediate Spanish phrases will allow you to have everyday conversations, get around with confidence in a Spanish-speaking environment, and make new friends! However, even if you’ve studied the grammar and memorized long vocabulary lists, sometimes it’s difficult to actually put your skills to the test. Have you ever found yourself having a conversation in Spanish and going completely blank, forgetting every lesson you’ve learned? If the answer is yes, don’t worry. SpanishPod101 is here to help. In this guide, you’ll find a list of intermediate Spanish phrases for everyday conversations.... Show more

The 10 Best Podcasts for Learning Spanish

Are you looking for new ways to learn Spanish? Do you want to find new resources to complement your lessons? Or are you simply tired of using the traditional language learning methods?  Podcasts are a great resource for learning a new language in a fun and lively way. The good news for Spanish learners is that a ton of useful Spanish-language content is being produced every day—not surprising, considering the language’s more than 500 million speakers around the world. But where to start?  In this guide, SpanishPod101 has listed the best Spanish podcasts for learners. We have done our best to include something for everyone, from beginners to more advanced students; we’ve also included podcasts on a variety of topics ranging from... Show more

Basic Spanish Phrases for Beginners

When you first start learning any language, the first few lessons can feel overwhelming. If Spanish grammar seems too challenging or vocabulary lists just aren’t for you, why don’t you start by picking up some simple Spanish phrases for beginners? Fortunately, you’ll be able to handle the most basic interactions by learning just a few of these ready-to-go expressions and sentence patterns. Saying hello and goodbye, making small talk, ordering in a restaurant…it’s really not so complicated. You’ll see! In this guide from SpanishPod101, you’ll find more than 50 easy Spanish phrases for beginners that’ll help you navigate a variety of situations using this beautiful language.  If you want to meet Spanish people, you’ll need to... Show more

The Advanced Spanish Words You Definitely Need

Speaking Spanish in casual conversations is a rewarding experience. Sure, native Spanish speakers converse at a really fast pace. But, if you ask them to slow down, they will—and they will probably try to help you understand and be part of the conversation. At the end of the day, there’s a reason why Spanish-speaking countries are said to have some of the friendliest people! But what happens when, instead of an informal chat over some wine and tapas, you have to face a doctor’s appointment or a super important business meeting? Formal situations will call for advanced Spanish words, which might be scary for those who are still learning. Namely, you’ll have to step up your game in order to succeed in conversations related to higher... Show more

Level Up with These Intermediate Spanish Words

If you’re here, it’s because you succeeded in mastering Spanish at the beginner level. Enhorabuena! (“Congratulations!”) Now it’s time to take it a step further by picking up some intermediate Spanish words.  Jumping from beginner to intermediate level can be a scary move. It means that you have to get out there and try out your newly acquired skills…and actually speak Spanish to people!! But that’s why we’re here, right? Intermediate Spanish lessons are very exciting because they allow you to start expressing yourself more freely and having more fluent conversations. At this stage, you can master everyday vocabulary and actually start making friends within the native Spanish-speaking community. This intermediate Spanish wordlist... Show more

The Most Common Spanish Phone Phrases

Many Spanish learners have a hard time expressing themselves or understanding others over the phone. Connection problems aside, you can encounter situations where you struggle to keep up because the person on the other end is speaking too quickly. This can make you anxious, or even afraid, to speak during a phone call.  Non-verbal communication and body language are important components of conversation. Whenever we speak to someone on the phone, we miss out on these subtle clues since we cannot see their face or posture. But there’s good news. Learning Spanish phone conversation phrases will help you become more confident and prepared for calls! In this guide from SpanishPod101, you’ll learn the most common Spanish phone phrases.... Show more

Basic Spanish Words for Beginners

Have you decided to learn Spanish? Congratulations! It will be a very exciting and rewarding journey. However, as you set out to learn this new language, you might not know where to begin. The sheer number of Spanish vocabulary words you have to learn can be overwhelming! Keep in mind that you don’t need to rush into lessons that are above your level. It’s better to start from the basics and build a foundation that will help you reach your desired level of proficiency in Spanish! To give you a boost, SpanishPod101 has compiled this guide to basic Spanish words for beginners. We’ve listed over 200 common Spanish words in different categories, providing additional information where necessary.  Have fun! You’re one step... Show more

Top 10 Spanish Filler Words to Help You Sound Like a Native

Even if you’ve mastered Spanish grammar, you might notice that during conversations with native speakers, some words frequently come up that don’t quite fit with everything you’ve learned about the language. This might be frustrating and cause you to get lost in conversations, but there’s no need to panic. What you’re hearing are Spanish filler words.  Filler words are an important part of every spoken language. They’re short words or phrases that are commonly used to indicate pauses, to fill gaps in speech, or to start conversations. While they don’t necessarily follow any grammar rules, they’re a unique part of speech that help make up the particularities of a language.  Learning a few basic Spanish filler words will not only... Show more

Master the Art of Saying No with Negatives in Spanish

Saying no in Spanish might sound quite easy, especially considering that the word "no" is used in both Spanish and English. However, there are some tricks and rules you’ll need to learn in order to master this important aspect of day-to-day conversations. The good news is that once you have these rules down, you’ll be able to make negative commands in Spanish, politely decline something, or answer a question in the negative.  You should know that there are some grammar rules in English that don’t quite apply in Spanish. For starters, the use of double negatives—which is a grammatical error in English—is considered correct in Spanish and is very common. The usage of plural nouns is different as well, and of course, exact phrases and... Show more