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Archive for the 'Community Spotlight' Category

Cyber Monday 50% OFF! You’ll Learn Spanish for the Price of 1 Monthly Coffee

Greetings Listener! With the hustle of Black Friday behind us and tomorrow’s Cyber Monday looming...we thought we would offer you a sneak peek and a chance to treat yourself to a: HALF OFF! Instant 50% Discount on 1- & 2-Year Premium Plans! Start speaking Spanish with a PROVEN learning system: With 500 million+ lesson downloads, 10,000s of success stories, and 1,000s of current students, SpanishPod101 is all you need to realize your dream of learning Spanish next year. SpanishPod101 is already the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Spanish – but with your early access to our Cyber Monday pricing, it’s more affordable than ever! With your instant 50% discount, you learn Spanish for as little as just: $5 a... Show more

February 2010 Social Media Contest Winners!

Every month, we are giving away great SpanishPod101.com prizes to 4 lucky listeners. Sign up to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or SpanishPod101.com to be eligible to win. Increase your chances of winning by following us on all three sites! Here are February's winners: Facebook: Ashley Gelpi Youtube: HeartlessAngelD Twitter: travelojos SpanishPod101: ysolberg See your name here? Email us at contactus@spanishpod101.com to claim your prize. Check back next month for March`s winners!

December Social Networking Contest Winners!

Every month, we are giving away great SpanishPod101.com prizes to 4 lucky listeners. Sign up to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or SpanishPod101.com to be eligible to win. Increase your chances of winning by following us on all four sites! Here are December's winners: Facebook: Rosalind Derksen Youtube: erinachan413 Twitter: AnnaMarie6695 SpanishPod101: plojer See your name here? Email us at contactus@SpanishPod101.com to claim your prize. Check back next month for January's winners!

November Social Networking Contest Winners!

Every month, we are giving away great SpanishPod101.com prizes to 4 lucky listeners. Sign up to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or SpanishPod101.com to be eligible to win. Increase your chances of winning by following us on all four sites! Here are November's winners: Facebook: Mohamed Beko Youtube: migfer82 Twitter:  gorillachild SpanishPod101: hanabi See your name here? Email us at contactus@SpanishPod101.com to claim your prize. Check back next month for December's winners!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year From SpanishPod101.com!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from everyone here at SpanishPod101.com! We're grateful to have listeners just like you, and we're eagerly waiting for the upcoming year to learn Spanish together! And when the New Year comes around, be sure to make a resolution to study Spanish with SpanishPod101.com! Have a healthy and happy holiday season. From the SpanishPod101.com Team!