If you’re here, it’s because you succeeded in mastering Spanish at the beginner level. Enhorabuena! (“Congratulations!”) Now it’s time to take it a step further by picking up some intermediate Spanish words.
Jumping from beginner to intermediate level can be a scary move. It means that you have to get out there and try out your newly acquired skills…and actually speak Spanish to people!! But that’s why we’re here, right?
Intermediate Spanish lessons are very exciting because they allow you to start expressing yourself more freely and having more fluent conversations. At this stage, you can master everyday vocabulary and actually start making friends within the native Spanish-speaking community.
This intermediate Spanish wordlist will give you the tools you need to level up and gain enough confidence to live your life in Spanish.
Vamos allá! (“Let’s go!”)

Start making friends in Spanish!

- (Larger) Numbers
- Nouns
- Verbs
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Prepositions
- Conjunctions
- Connectives
- Possessive Pronouns
- Final Thoughts
1. (Larger) Numbers
In our Spanish beginner words article, you learned how to count from one to ten. Ready to reach the next level? In this intermediate Spanish category, you’ll learn all of the cardinal numbers. This means that you’ll be able to count from eleven to infinity!
From 11 to 19
- once → “eleven”
- doce → “twelve”
- trece → “thirteen”
- catorce → “fourteen”
- quince → “fifteen”
- dieciséis → “sixteen”
- diecisiete → “seventeen”
- dieciocho → “eighteen”
- diecinueve → “nineteen”
From 20 to 90
- veinte → “twenty”
- treinta → “thirty”
- cuarenta → “forty”
- cincuenta → “fifty”
- sesenta → “sixty”
- setenta → “seventy”
- ochenta → “eighty”
- noventa → “ninety”
As a general pattern, you can add y and a number 1-9 to express the rest of the numbers. You can already see this pattern in, for example, diecisiete:
- diecisiete = diez + y + siete
With tens and twenties, words are written together following the pattern shown above (with some slight changes). So, if you wanted to say “twenty-three,” it would be:
- veintitrés = veinte + y + tres
Starting from the thirties, however, things get even easier and the words are written separately. Here are a few examples:
- treinta y uno → “thirty-nine”
- sesenta y cuatro → “sixty-four”
- ochenta y uno → “eighty-one”
From 100 to 900
- cien → “one hundred”
- doscientos → “two hundred”
- trescientos → “three hundred”
- cuatrocientos → “four hundred”
- quinientos → “five hundred”
- seiscientos → “six hundred”
- setecientos → “seven hundred”
- ochocientos → “eight hundred”
- novecientos → “nine hundred”
In Spanish, numbers in the hundreds are quite easy to form. The first word is the “hundred” figure, then you leave a space and add the number that follows. Here’s an example:
- cuatrocientos setenta y tres → “four hundred seventy-three”
However, you need to remember that there is one exception to the rule! Cien becomes ciento when followed by another number. Like this:
- ciento seis → “one hundred and six”
From 1,000 to 9,000
- mil → “one thousand”
- dos mil → “two thousand”
- tres mil → “three thousand”
- cuatro mil → “four thousand”
- cinco mil → “five thousand”
- seis mil → “six thousand”
- siete mil → “seven thousand”
- ocho mil → “eight thousand”
- nueve mil → “nine thousand”
As with the hundreds, the Spanish thousands are also formed by leaving a space after the first one or two words (depending on whether it’s mil or dos mil, tres mil, etc.) and adding the number that follows. Here are a couple of examples:
- dos mil veinte → “two thousand and twenty”
- cinco mil trescientos sesenta y nueve → “five thousand three hundred seventy-nine”
Note that, even though Spanish uses the same numerals as English does, there is a tiny difference in how we write them. Starting from the thousands, instead of separating the hundreds, thousands, millions, etc., with a comma, we use a dot in Spanish. Here’s how you should do it:
- 1.000 → “1,000”
- 4.589 → “4,589”
From 1,000,000 to Infinity
- un millón → “one million”
- dos millones → “two million”
- tres millones → “three million”
- diez millones → “ten million”
- cuatrocientos millones → “four hundred million”
- siete mil millones → “seven billion”
- …
Millions are usually the last piece you need to learn in order to count to infinity. As in English, “billón” (“billion”) can also be used to say “a thousand million”. However, this expression is not widespread in Spain, and it’s still common to hear “mil millones.”

Now you can count to infinity!
2. Nouns
In our Spanish beginner words article, we already introduced you to plenty of everyday vocabulary—the essential basics you need to survive in a Spanish-speaking environment!
In this guide, we’re taking things to the next level. Memorizing the words on this list will give you a solid intermediate Spanish vocabulary base to help you manage most everyday conversations. Stay tuned for useful words related to time, home, and leisure!
- → Don’t forget that SpanishPod101.com also has plenty of free vocabulary lists to help you learn all the Spanish nouns you need!
2.1 – Time
2.1.1 – Time Units
Segundo | Second |
Minuto | Minute |
Hora | Hour |
Día | Day |
Semana | Week |
Mes | Month |
Trimestre | Trimester |
Semestre | Semester |
Año | Year |
Siglo | Century |
- → Don’t miss the Ultimate Guide to Telling Time in Spanish on our blog!
2.1.2 – Days of the Week
Lunes | Monday |
Martes | Tuesday |
Miércoles | Wednesday |
Jueves | Thursday |
Viernes | Friday |
Sábado | Saturday |
Domingo | Sunday |
2.1.3 – Time of Day
Mañana | Morning |
Mediodía | Midday |
Tarde | Afternoon Evening |
Noche | Night |
Madrugada | Dawn |
2.2 – Home
2.2.1 – Rooms in the House
Recibidor | Hall |
Cocina | Kitchen |
Comedor | Dining room |
Salón | Living room |
Baño Lavabo | Bathroom |
Dormitorio | Bedroom |
Estudio | Study |
Jardín | Garden |
Patio | Courtyard |
Terraza | Terrace |
Balcón | Balcony |
Garage | Garage |
Habitación | Room |

¡Qué bonito balcón! (“What a nice balcony!”)
2.2.2 – House Objects
Cama | Bed |
Mesa | Table |
Escritorio | Desk |
Silla | Chair |
Váter | Toilet |
Sofá | Couch |
Cortinas | Curtains |
Persiana | Blinds |
2.2.3 – Kitchenware
Cubiertos | Cutlery |
Tenedor | Fork |
Cuchillo | Knife |
Cuchara | Spoon |
Plato | Dish |
Vaso | Glass |
Copa | Glass Wineglass |
Olla | Pot |
Sartén | Pan |
2.3 – Leisure
2.3.1 – Vacations and Free Time
Viaje | Trip |
Maleta | Luggage |
Vacaciones | Holidays |
Cine | Movie theater |
Teatro | Theater |
Restaurante | Restaurant |
Deporte | Sport |
2.3.2 – Holidays
Navidad | Christmas |
Año Nuevo | New Years |
Semana Santa | Easter |
Día de Todos los Santos | All Saints Day |
- → Curious about Spanish holidays? Don’t miss all of the interesting posts about Spanish culture and traditions on SpanishPod101’s blog!
3. Verbs
After learning all of the useful nouns listed above, you’ll also need to pick up some more verbs to get your Spanish conversations flowing!
Verbs are always the most feared grammar category for Spanish students, but don’t worry! If you’re still struggling, don’t miss SpanishPod101’s ultimate guide to Spanish conjugation.
Here are the intermediate Spanish verbs you’ll need to master everyday conversations:
3.1 – Home
3.1.1 – Chores
Cocinar | To cook |
Limpiar | To clean |
Lavar | To wash |
Tender (la ropa) | To hang (the clothes) |
Doblar (la ropa) | To fold (the clothes) |
Planchar (la ropa) | To iron (the clothes) |
Hacer la cama | To make the bed |
Sacar / tirar la basura | To take out the garbage |
3.1.2 – Cooking
Freír | To fry |
Calentar | To heat up |
Enfriar | To cool down |
Hervir | To boil |
Asar | To roast |
Batir | To beat |
Pelar | To peel |
3.2 – Hobbies
Bailar | To dance |
Cantar | To sing |
Pintar | To paint |
Dibujar | To draw |
Correr | To run |
Nadar | To swim |
Pasear | To go for a walk |
Jugar a + […] | To play + [game or sport] |
As in English, jugar can refer to playing games or sports. Here are some examples:
| |
Tocar + […] | To play + [instrument name] |
However, to play an instrument in Spanish is not expressed with jugar. The correct verb is tocar:
| |
Viajar | To travel |
3.3 – Other Useful Expressions
Quedar | To meet with |
Llamar por teléfono | To call |
Mandar mensaje | To text |
Llegar tarde | To be late |
Estar ocupado | To be busy |

“Tocar la gaita” can have two very different meanings…!
4. Adjectives
In our beginner words article, you learned the basic adjectives you need to describe objects, people, emotions, and the weather. Now it’s time to level up by learning how to describe temporary conditions, state your opinion, and more. Here are the most useful intermediate Spanish adjectives for you:
4.1 – Opinion
Bueno | Good |
Mola | Bad |
Genial | Awesome |
Perfecto | Perfect |
Horrible | Horrible |
Raro | Weird |
Aburrido | Boring |
Interesante | Interesting |
Orgulloso | Proud |
Avergonzado | Embarrassed |
4.2 – Conditions
Lleno | Full |
Vacío | Empty |
Limpio | Clean |
Sucio | Dirty |
Roto | Broken |
Enfermo | Sick |
Sano | Healthy |
Casado | Married |
Soltero | Single |
Vivo | Alive |
Muerto | Dead |
4.3 – Useful Everyday Adjectives
Barato | Cheap |
Caro | Expensive |
Fácil | Easy |
Difícil | Difficult |
Peligroso | Dangerous |
Seguro | Safe |
Tóxico | Toxic |
Nuevo | New |
Viejo | Old |
Común | Common |
Típico | Typical |
Útil | Useful |

Este mapa es muy útil. (“This map is very useful.”)
5. Adverbs
As you begin going through intermediate Spanish lessons, you’ll find that adverbs become increasingly important! These words are a crucial part of conversational Spanish and help you make your point clear. They allow you to emphasize what you’re saying, state the location of an object, locate an event at a particular moment in time…
Excited already? Well, once you finish learning these intermediate Spanish adverbs, you can graduate to our guide on the 100 most common Spanish adverbs!
5.1 – Quantity
Muy | Very |
Mucho | A lot |
Menos | Less |
Demasiado | Too much |
Poco | A little |
Más | More |
Suficiente | Enough |
5.2 – Location
Cerca | Near |
Lejos | Far |
Al lado | Next to |
En Dentro de | In Inside |
En Encima de | On On top of |
Debajo de Bajo de | Under |
Delante | In front of |
Detrás | Behind |
Entre | Between |
A la derecha | On the right |
A la izquierda | On the left |
5.3 – Time
Hoy | Today |
Ayer | Yesterday |
Mañana | Tomorrow |
Anteayer | The day before yesterday |
Pasado mañana | After tomorrow |
5.4 – Other Useful Adverbs
Siempre | Always |
Nunca | Never |
Ahora | Now |
Previamente | Previously |
Previamente | Currently |
Ya | Already |

Nunca digas nunca… (“Never say never…”)
6. Prepositions
Our next set of intermediate Spanish words consists of prepositions. These are little words that allow your speech to flow much better and help you be more precise in your conversations.
Let’s start with the locative prepositions that, together with adverbs, help you point out the position or direction of the person/thing you’re talking about.
6.1 – Location and Direction
A | To |
Al lado de | Next to |
Alrededor de | Around |
A través de | Through |
Contra | Against |
De | From |
Junto | Near |
Hacia | Towards |
Sobre | On Over |
Tras | Behind |
6.2 – Other Useful Prepositions
A favor de | In favor of |
A pesar de | Despite |
Excepto Salvo | Except |
Gracias a | Thanks to |
Incluso | Even |
Por | By |
Para | For |
Según | According to |
Sin | Without |
- → Check out SpanishPod101’s Guide to the Most Common Spanish Prepositions for more!
7. Conjunctions
Intermediate Spanish learners should make an effort to learn at least a few conjunctions, as these words help you connect words and sentences. As a beginner, you probably learned the more basic conjunctions (esto y aquello – “this and that”). But learning how to use more advanced conjunctions can help you level up your conversational skills and enrich your speech/writing.
Let’s see some Spanish conjunctions in three different categories:
7.1 – Causal
Porque | Because |
Como | As Like |
Ya que | Because Since As |
Dado que Visto que Puesto que | Since Given that |
Pues | Since As So |
7.2 – Comparison
Que | Than |
Como si | As if As though |
Sin que | Without |
7.3 – Concession
Aunque | Even if Although Though |
Aun cuando | Even when |
Si bien | If |
Por más que Por mucho que | As much as |

Os quiero, aunque a veces os portáis mal. (“I love you, even though you sometimes misbehave.”)
8. Connectives
- Sin embargo → Nevertheless / However
- En efecto / Efectivamente → Indeed
- Con todo → Even so
- Por eso → That’s why
- En primer lugar → In the first place
- En segundo lugar → In the second place
- Ahora bien → However / Having said that
- En ese caso→ In that case
- A pesar de ello → In spite of that
- Por el contrario → On the contrary
9. Possessive Pronouns
Pronouns are a great tool for producing more fluent speech, as they allow you to avoid repeating clauses and nouns excessively so you can get straight to the point. SpanishPod101’s Ultimate Guide to Spanish Pronouns will help you learn how to use them properly!
In this article, we’ll focus exclusively on possessive pronouns. We’ve included all singular/plural and masculine/feminine forms.
Spanish | English | |||
singular | plural | |||
singular | 1st | mi | mis | my |
2nd | tu | tus | your | |
3rd | su | sus | his | |
her | ||||
plural | 1st | nuestro | nuestros | our |
nuestra | nuestras | |||
2nd | vuestro | vuestros | your | |
vuestra | vuestras | |||
3rd | su | sus | their |

Mi casa es tu casa. (“My house is your house.”)
10. Final Thoughts
In this guide to intermediate Spanish words, you’ve gained a handful of new tools to get your Spanish conversational skills to the next level. Apart from useful nouns, verbs, and adjectives, you’ve learned handy connective words, adverbs, and prepositions that will help you be more precise and fluent in your speech.
Did you know any of these words already, or were they all new to you?
Either way, don’t stop here! SpanishPod101 has plenty of intermediate Spanish lessons for you to explore. And you’ll even find that, once you graduate from that category, there’s still an entire upper intermediate lesson series that will continue guiding you on your Spanish learning journey.
Of course, don’t forget to check out the free vocabulary lists and other useful tools on SpanishPod101.com.