Take The SpanishPod101 Challenge!

Click here to save 45% and get 1 whole year of Spanish for $99!

Welcome Back Listener!

It’s been a while! Last time we saw you, it was still 2013… Christmas trees were up, and you were still making your 2014 resolutions.

Now that the new year has begun, the #1 question everyone’s asking is…

“How do I fulfill my resolution and make serious Spanish progress?”

One: Stop thinking and start doing. Take on the challenge and jump in. Your progress starts NOW.

Two: Create a measurable and attainable Spanish goal. (Master 100 new words in 2 weeks, listen to 5 Spanish lessons a week, hold a Spanish conversation for 5 minutes, etc.)

Three: Challenge yourself more each month. (Go for 10 minute conversations, move on to 200 words, etc.)

It’s as easy as that!

So in 2014, take the SpanishPod101 12-Month Challenge!

Your progress starts now! Jump in and get 1 whole year of Premium access for only $99 (that’s just $8.25/a month and 45% OFF the regular price) until January 17th, 2014!

Got your Spanish goal ready? Good! With a 1-Year Premium Subscription, you’ll dive right into fun and effective Spanish conversation lessons while our Dashboard tracks and measures your progress throughout the year. Seeing how far you’ve progressed will keep you motivated to keep on learning!

Reached your first goal? Congratulations! Now, challenge yourself even further! Move on to more advanced lessons and bigger word lists! With Premium, you get all lessons from Beginner level to Advanced and Premium tools including the 2000 core words list! Our giant library of lessons will keep you busy from January 1st to December 31st.

Need More Motivation? Get insider tips and tricks on how to master your Spanish resolution this year. The Inner Circle Newsletter is an exclusive bonus gift when you use coupon code CHALLENGE to save 45% on 12-Month Premium!

Take The Challenge – Click To Get The Most Effective Spanish Course For 1 Year!

What’s A Premium Subscription?
It’s the most popular plan among our users. Why? All the Spanish lessons we’ve ever made (and will make), and all the handy lesson notes and Premium study tools are yours. Plus, you get to track your progress every step of the way.

Here’s how it works!
You learn real-life Spanish directly from native speakers in every lesson. Our lesson hosts explain and simplify the language for you: conversation, grammar, vocabulary, culture – you learn it all and are ready to speak ASAP.

You also get printable lesson notes to help review and master everything presented in the lesson. And with exclusive Premium tools, you get Spanish word lists, pronunciation practice and the study tools to master ‘em all fast.

Click Here To Get Unlimited SpanishPod101 Access for 45% OFF!

Oh, and that’s not all!

Here’s what you get in more detail:

  • Full Lesson Access. All audio, video lessons PLUS new lessons
  • Lesson Notes for Every Lesson. Understand everything in each lesson with in-depth notes. Read along as you listen or review after you’re done
  • Practice and Review Quizzes. Review what you’ve learned after every lesson
  • Measure Your Progress. See how far you’ve come with the SpanishPod101 Dashboard. It tracks your progress with every lesson you complete
  • Learning Guidance. Set your level, start with a recommended lesson and know which lesson to study next with the Dashboard
  • 2000 Spanish Words List. Must-know words for conversational fluency. You get thousands of sample sentences and audio pronunciation
  • Smart Flashcards. Create your own word decks, master words fast, and track your progress with spaced repetition flashcards
  • Personal Word Bank. Your Spanish vocabulary collection. Came across a new word? Store it here for later review and export to flashcards to study
  • Line-By-Line Pronunciation. Perfect your accent by hearing lines again
  • 1-Click Downloads. Download entire series with the Premium iTunes Feed
  • SpanishPod101 Mobile. Take all lessons and lesson notes on the go with your mobile device or smartphone
  • …and more!

Ready to crush your 2014 Resolution? Take the SpanishPod101 Challenge and get one whole year of non-stop Spanish lessons, lesson notes and more! Hurry, the SpanishPod101 challenge ends January 17th, 2014!

1-Year Premium is just $8.25 a month. Click Here To Start Learning Spanish!

To your fluency,
Team SpanishPod101