Five Famous Festivals

This Spanish All About Lesson you will learn about five of the more famous festivals in Spain and Latin America.

Sanfermines-“The Running of the Bulls”
This ten-day municipal festival in Pamplona, Spain is well known in the English-speaking world as the
“running of the bulls.” The festival commemorates Saint Fermin, a martyr and patron saint of the
participants, who dress in white with red scarves for the event.

Puente Guadalupe-Reyes – “Christmas Season”
Traditionally in the Spanish-speaking world, it is the Three Wise Men who mysteriously bring gifts to children on Epiphany, although some families also observe the Santa Claus tradition of gift giving on Christmas Day.

Semana Santa – “Holy Week”
Holy Week celebrations start on Palm Sunday and go through Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter
Sunday. In addition to having Holy Week off, most of the Spanish-speaking world has the following week off from work as well.

Día de los Muertos – “All Souls Day”
On the Catholic calendar, All Souls Day is celebrated on November second. It’s observed throughout
the Spanish-speaking world as el Día de los muertos. Spanish speakers offer prayers to deceased loved
ones and spend time in the cemeteries visiting, cleaning, and decorating tombs.

Carnaval – “Fat Tuesday”
Ash Wednesday in Catholic countries is the beginning of Lent: the forty-day season of fasting, prayer,
and solemn reflection. Therefore, the days leading up to Ash Wednesday have developed into a
festival of gluttony and excess. Many cities have celebrations involving masks, costumes, dancing, and

There are many more festivals in the Spanish speaking world, but here are a few just to start you off.