Important Pricing Change: Don’t Miss this Chance to Save Big!

This summer,’s Basic and Premium subscription pricing structure is changing.

Existing Members, 

Don’t worry
.  Basic or premium subscription members, your price will not change upon renewal. You get the same prices forever! You will be grandfathered in at the current price, and nothing about your current subscription will change. 

However, this is your last opportunity to upgrade your subscription, and save for life!

Upgrade my current subscription at the lower rates!

Free Lifetime Account holders

The new pricing plan will go into effect on June 3rd. However purchase or upgrade your subscription anytime before June 3rd, and you will never have to pay the new prices – EVER. Your subscription will be grandfathered in at the current prices. Simply click on the link below, sign up for any subscription, and save for life. You’ll lock in at current rates.

Click here to lock yourself in to the current prices

New Pricing:

BASIC Current Price 
1/3/6/12/24 Months:

BASIC Effective June 3 
1/3/6/12/24 Months:

PREMIUM Current Price 
1/3/6/12/24 Months:

PREMIUM Effective June 3
1/3/6/12/24 Months:

Why the change?  

To bring you an even better learning experience! Since we launched SpanishPod101 in 2007, our prices have remained the same all while publishing over 3 years of lessons. As a basic or premium member, you have access to all these lessons plus new content published each week AND the premium learning resources that come with your subscription. We truly want SpanishPod101 to be the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Spanish and in order to do that, we had to take a look at our pricing. In the coming months, you’ll also be seeing a lot of enhancements to our lessons, a brand-new website interface, improved language support and much much more. Remember, you still have time to take advantage of our current pricing, but not for long.

Lock me in to the pre-increase rate!

We hope you join us for a great summer at! 


SpanishPod101 Team

P.S. There’s no better time to invest in your Spanish language education than now. New rates go into effect on June 3rd, soSubscribe or upgrade your savings at the current prices today!