May 2010 Newsletter

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May 2010

In this month’s newsletter:

1. 5 New Innovative Language Sites are coming! What new languages will we be adding to the family?Click here to find out…

2. Cinco de Mayo! Cinco de Mayo is of course, celebrated on May 5th but do you know why? Click here to read about the significance of this day. 

3. BONUS Spanish Audio Lesson!  We’re back with another free audio lesson just for you! Click here to download and listen…

Welcome to the newsletter. We’ve been really busy gearing up for summer and Innovative Language Learning has a lot of news to share! Stay posted throughout the summer! These periodic newsletters will deliver to you all the exciting developments that are going on at Read and Enjoy! And as always, if you have any comments or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us
The Team

P.S. Hop on Facebook and tell us which new language you’re most excited about!

P.P.S. Click Here and claim your 15% OFF any Premium or Basic subscription!