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All About Spanish: Fun times!

In par with the culture, festivals and holidays in the Spanish-speaking world are fascinating and lively! Here are some very famous festivities:

-Sanfermines-“The Running of the Bulls”
This 10-day festival in Pamplona, Spain, also features dancers, street performers, and actors in costumes.

-Christmas Season
Traditionally in the Spanish-speaking world, the Three Wise Men are who bring gifts to children, though nowadays most families follow the Santa Claus tradition.

-Semana Santa – “Holy Week”
Holy Week celebrations start on Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday. Every community has a unique Holy Week celebration. Most of
the Spanish-speaking world has off days on Holy week and the following as well.

-Día de los Muertos – “All Souls Day”
On November 2nd, prayers are offered to deceased loved
ones and  tombs are visited, cleaned, and decorated. In Mexico, it
is celebrated with colorful festivities and festive decorations.

– Carnaval – “Fat Tuesday”
Before the period of Lent(a season of fasting, prayer,
and solemn reflection), beginning on Ash Wednesday, it is festival of gluttony and excess involving musics, costumes, and parades.

Did you know about these festivities, and have you ever participated in them?