All About Spanish: Win the Spanish Grammar Challenge!

Unlike English, Spanish sentences are not so dependent on word order. Instead, Spanish uses a system of suffixes and particles to help mark the subject and object. Spanish verbs’ tense suffixes, for example, carry information about the person and number of the subject. This system of verb tense suffixes is called “conjugation,” and though it sounds challenging, don’t give up!  After learning to conjugate, Spanish becomes a smooth sail!

It is important to remember the following points: gender and number.

“Gender” – Spanish nouns fall into two categories, “feminine” and “masculine” .
Generally, feminine nouns end in an”  -a “vowel, and masculine nouns end in an ” -o” vowel.

“Number” – Check if the noun is singular or plural.
Usually, plurals end with an ” -s”.

Furthermore, adjectives and articles in Spanish reflect the gender and number of the items that they modify. This is called “agreement.”  If you remember how to keep your agreements flowing smoothly, you will be speak just like a native! Surprise Spanish speakers by keeping to these rules of Spanish, which the speakers are aware of might be difficult for learners, and your efforts won’t go unappreciated!