Change, Don’t Be Left Behind!

Starting Monday, November 10th all lessons three weeks or older will be moved to the Basic subscription section of the site. The first three lessons of every season and every level will remain free forever on the site.

What does this mean for you?

If you’re an active Basic or Premium member, you will be unaffected. Absolutely nothing will change. Furthermore, long-time listeners enjoying the most recent episodes, you are also unaffected. Lessons less than three weeks old will remain absolutely free on the site and on the feed. In addition, the first three lessons of all levels and all season will still be free on the site for you to study from, so continue to enjoy lessons.

Listeners and users focusing on older content will be affected. We understand that this sudden change may disrupt your studies, and that is why we are offering 45% OFF any Basic or Premium subscription through Saturday, November 15th. You can now take advantage and have continued access to, for a fraction of the regular cost. This will put you ahead of the game, as we plan to increase the value of Basic and Premium subscriptions with exciting new features and content in the upcoming months.

Existing Basic and Premium members, you too can take advantage of this offer and extend your subscription for a fraction of the regular price! With our hassle-free extension of your subscription, the steeply discounted subscription will automatically take effect after your current subscription expires.

Claim this gift for you here!

More Must Know Information

Why are the lessons no longer free?

The lessons are still free! If you’re subscribed to the public feed, you will get every single new audio lesson that puts out. Let us just repeat that, “You will get every single new audio lesson free!” You can download these onto your computer and keep them there locally forever! It is like TV. Watch and enjoy your favorite episodes for free on the day they are released.

In addition, if you are new to you can also access ALL of the lessons and content for 7-Days when you sign up for a Free Lifetime account.

Sign up for a FREE Lifetime account and access every single lesson for 7 full days!

Wait there is still more!
You also get 10 Free Full Lessons with the Sample Feed.

Claim your 10 Free Full Lesson here!

And don’t forget, the first three lessons for all levels and all season remain absolutely free on our website!

What’s changing then?

Audio lessons older than three weeks will become part of the Basic subscription. To access lessons that are older than three weeks, a basic subscription will now be required. Existing Basic and Premium Members will, of course, have continued access to all the lessons.

We know that for users studying with older lessons this can be a bit of a sudden change. That is why we are offering 45% OFF any Basic or Premium subscription through Saturday, November 15th. You can now take advantage and have continued access to, for a fraction of the regular cost. This will put you ahead of the game, as we plan to increase the value of Basic and Premium subscriptions with exciting new features and content in the coming months.

Take advantage of this limited time offer!

When will this change happen?

Monday, November 10th, 2008

Act now and receive 45% OFF any Basic or Premium subscription through Saturday, November 15th,

Coupon expires Saturday November 15th. Act now!

I’m already a Basic or Premium Subscriber… Does this affect me?

Not at all! You can access all audio lessons, new and old. Your subscription will not be affected at all.

Existing Basic and Premium members, you too can take advantage of this offer and extend your subscription for a fraction of the regular price! With our hassle-free extension of your subscription, the steeply discounted subscription will automatically take effect after your current subscription expires.

Click here to extend your access of all existing lessons!

Why are you doing this?

Our supportive community deserves the best and most cutting edge resources for learning Spanish fast. To continually create new content with innovative approaches takes significant amounts of resources. This may be hard to understand now, but when our vision comes to life, the benefits to our supporters will be clear. Our community will be able to enjoy videos, an upgraded learning center, and the newest technologies and learning methodologies.

Taking advantage of the 45% OFF coupon will give you instant access to all the audio, powerful learning tools, and more! It will also put you ahead of the game, as we plan to increase the value of Basic and Premium subscriptions with exciting new features and content in the coming months.

Get ahead of the game now!

I don’t want to pay… what can I get for free?

You can still get all of the newest and up-to-date lessons! Again, our new audio lessons will still be free. You can download these onto your computer and keep them there locally forever! It is like TV. Watch and enjoy your favorite episodes for free on the day they are released.

In addition, you can also access all of the lessons and content for 7 Days when you sign up for a Free Lifetime account.

Access every single lesson for 7 full days!

Wait, there’s more!
You also get 10 Free Full Lessons with the sample feed.

Redeem 10 free lessons here!

You can download all lessons automatically using our public feeds.

Find out about automatic downloads here.

(To get all the newest lessons, make sure you are downloading every lessons from here on out!)

And don’t forget, the first three lessons for all levels and all season are absolutely free, even after your 7-day free trial is over… but only on the site!

I want to access all the lessons… How much are the subscriptions?

There are many types of subscriptions, and the following numbers provide a good guideline.

* Basic: $8 (USD) for 1 month
* Premium: $25 (USD) for 1 month
* Premium Plus: $199 (USD) for 1 month

However, as our gift to you, receive 45% OFF any Basic or Premium Subscription (offer valid for 1 week) and pay just:

* Basic: as low as $2.75 (USD) for 1 month
* Premium: $8.25 (USD) for 1 month

Pick up a 1-Year Premium Subscription for just $99 USD!

To claim your subscription at these rates, click here!