Pronouncing rr

Of all the sounds in Spanish, the “rr” sound is probably the most difficult for native English speakers to make. However, it is easier than many sounds in other languages. If you can learn to make this sound, you will sound more like native Spanish speakers. The “rr” sound is made when a Spanish word starts with an r or when there is an rr in a Spanish word. The “rr” sound is similar to a single r sound, but you put your tongue at the ridge behind your top teeth, and you push a lot more air past your tongue. Here’s the easy way to learn it. Say “pot of tea” over and over, going faster and faster. You’re saying the Spanish words “para ti” which means “for you.” As you say the words over and over, notice where your tongue is when you say the r in “para.” That’s the same location where you want your tongue when you say the rr. The difference between the sounds r and rr is that with the double rr, you need to do two extra things. First, don’t let your tongue drop away once you’re done with the “r” sound, like it does when you say “para ti.” Second, push much more air past your tongue as you say the “rr” sound. Combining both of those actions will make the “rr” sound, which is like an “r” sound, but it flutters. Go online and listen to several online Spanish audio lessons or Spanish podcasts so that you can hear the “rr” sound. The more you hear it, the more you’ll know what sound to aim for. The more you practice trying it yourself, the easier making the sound will become.