Spanish Pronunciation

Spanish pronunciation is relatively straightforward. There are 28-30 letters, depending on who you ask. There are definitely at least 28. The additional letters are w and rr. W is used in foreign words that have been added into Spanish, and some people don’t differentiate between r and rr as separate letters. Letters that are in the Spanish alphabet but not in the Roman alphabet (the alphabet that English uses) are ch, ll, n (with a tilde), and rr. Ch is pronounced the same as in English. Ll makes the same sound as Y. N with a tilde makes a “ny” sound as in the English word “canyon.” Rr makes a similar sound to r, but with more air behind it, and you flutter your tongue. There will be a separate lesson on tricks to learn how to practice rr. Until you’ve mastered that sound, using an r sound is fine. In general, each letter of the Spanish alphabet makes only one sound. So, if you learn the sound each letter makes, then you know how to read in Spanish, even if you don’t know what the words mean. There are 2 letters that have more than one sound: c & g. The c follows the same rules as in English. When a c comes before a hard sound, like an a, o, u, or a consonant, then it makes a “k” sound. You’ve probably heard the words taco and casa. The c’s in those words make a “k” sound because they have an a after them. When a c comes before an e or i, however, it makes an s sound. Listen to a few free online Spanish audio lessons, thinking about the letters and the sounds they make. With practice, you’ll be able to spell any word you hear.