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Save Phrases from Expansion in Word bank

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Joined: January 26th, 2017 9:23 am

Save Phrases from Expansion in Word bank

Postby kiakotou_73007 » January 26th, 2017 9:35 am

The Expansion section under vocabulary is great to put words into context and learn how to use them in phrases. I would like to be able to save these phrases (with their translation) into the word bank (or anywhere else) to be able to review at a later date. Knowing the verb is good, but learning how to use it in phrases and using past/future tenses is what matters most in order to be able to speak.

New in Town
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Joined: July 11th, 2016 4:47 am

Re: Save Phrases from Expansion in Word bank

Postby lena_72836 » February 1st, 2017 6:15 am

Hello Kiakotou,

Thank you for posting
At the moment unfortunately it's not possible to add sample sentences to the WordBank.

But what I can advise is adding words from the Vocabulary lists:

Then syncing them to a Flashcard Deck. There, when you study the word, you'll see related sentences (if available at the Vocabulary list page) when you click on 'show answer'.

I hope it helps.
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