Hey, hey, hey. I'm always game for a fierce conversation!

Carlos, I think you're right about the question of identity in Puerto Rican culture. Every Puerto Rican that I've met has brought this up to me at one point or another. In fact, in the University of Albany, NY, there is a whole department devoted to this "cultural identity crisis", designed specifically for Latinos in the US, who may speak Spanish but can't read/write it. Interesting stuff.
As for the language of Puerto Rico, I have to claim ignorance. I've only been exposed to Puerto Rican Spanish in the States, and what I found was that it does not have much "currency". By that I mean that it would confuse even other Spanish-speakers. As what that which is spoken on the island, I really couldn't say.
Perhaps this discussion will get another other Puerto Ricans' skin so that they can let us know what the deal is!
As an addendum, I would also add the the "Newyorican" (Puerto Rican New Yorker) culture is very, very interesting. Carlos has some funny stories about times when he and I were in Hispanic parts of NYC... I'll let him tell those, or I will myself in another post.
Take care!